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Which concept is used to briefly describe relatively stable patterns of social behavior?

Which concept is used to briefly describe relatively stable patterns of social behavior?

These include the basic components of social structure and culture. Social structure is the expression for relatively stable patterns of social behavior and relationships among people. It means how a soci- ety is organized.

What are stable patterns of social relations called?

Stable patterns of social relations are called. Rapid social change caused by industrialization. Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim shared concern over.

Is defined as any relatively stable pattern of behavior?

social structure. any relatively stable pattern of social behavior. social functions. the consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole.

Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds?

Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds? status set.

What are the 4 sociological concepts?

The four paradigms of sociology (or the schools of sociological thought) are the different ways sociologists view society, its institutions, and its problems. The four paradigms are functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interaction, and feminist perspective.

Which theoretical approach of sociology did the early sociologists Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim use when they studied society?

Exam 1

Question Answer
The term “sociology” was coined in 1838 by: Auguste Comte.
Two of sociology’s early founders were: Auguste Comte and Karl Marx
Which theoretical approach is closest to that taken by early sociologists Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim? structural-functional approach

What is Spencer’s theory?

Spencer took the theory of evolution one step beyond biology and applied it to say that societies were organisms that progress through changes similar to that of a living species. It was Spencer’s philosophy that societies (like organisms) would begin simple and then progress to a more complex form.

What theoretical approach focuses on any relatively stable pattern of social behavior?

Structural Functional Approach: this theoretical orientation views society as a complex interconnected system of parts that work together in harmony. “… This approach points to the importance of social structure, any relatively stable pattern of social behavior.

Is any relatively stable pattern of social behavior *?

Social structure is any relatively stable pattern of social behavior.

Which of the following concepts refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntary?

Ascribed Status: A social position a person receives at birth or take on INVOLUNTARILY later on in life.

Which of the following concepts refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntarily taken on later in life?

ascribed status: The social status of a person that is given from birth or assumed involuntarily later in life.