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Which countries speak Romansh?

Which countries speak Romansh?

Romansh language, German Rumantsch, also called Grishun, or Grisons, Romance language of the Rhaetian group spoken in northern Italy and Switzerland, primarily in the Rhine Valley in the Swiss canton of Graubünden (Grisons).

Where is Romansh most spoken?

canton of Graubünden
According to Romansh language body Lia Rumantscha, some 60,000 people speak Romansh in total, mostly in the canton of Graubünden, where it is an official language at cantonal level along with German and Italian.

Is Romansh still spoken?

Romansh has been recognized as a national language of Switzerland since 1938, and as an official language in correspondence with Romansh-speaking citizens since 1996, along with German, French, and Italian….Romansh language.

Native speakers 40,074 (main language) (2019) 60,000 (regular speakers) (2000)

What ethnic group speaks Romansh?

The Romansh people (also spelled Romansch, Rumantsch, or Romanche; Romansh: rumantschs, rumàntschs, romauntschs or romontschs) are a Romance ethnic group, the speakers of the Romansh language, native to the Swiss canton of Grisons (Graubünden).

Where is Romansh spoken in Switzerland?

Romansh is a Romance language indigenous to Switzerland’s largest canton, Graubünden, located in the south-eastern corner of the country.

Is Romansh Italian?

Romansh, spoken in the south-eastern canton of Graubünden, is descended from Latin, the common parent of all the Romance languages. The most widely spoken are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian. Romansh is divided into five written dialects or “idioms”, each with its own subdialects.

When did Graubunden join Switzerland?

After a brief inclusion in the Helvetic Republic, the Graubünden, or Grisons, entered the Swiss Confederation (Switzerland) in 1803. The cantonal constitution dates from 1892.

What is the official language of Ukraine?

Ukraine/Official languages

Who found Switzerland?

The Romans founded their province of Helvetia in current Switzerland in 15 BC. The Celtic population became assimilated into Roman civilization during the first two centuries of our era.