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Which country includes this address 75 degrees N 120 degrees W?

Which country includes this address 75 degrees N 120 degrees W?

Here are all the answers:

Description Match:
Which continent is located at 30 E longitude, and which continent is located at 150 W longitude? Europe and North America
Which country includes this address: 75 N, 120 W? Canada
What is the latitude of the northernmost point in the US? 70 North

What state is 40 N 120 W?

23-Sep-2007 — “Twelve Zeros” – that was the name of the geocache that we decided to place at N 40° 00.000′ W 120° 00.000′. After considering all the possibilities, we decided that this is the only possible cache location in the state of California that could have twelve zeros in its coordinates….


What ocean is at 80 North and 20 East?

From Pole to Pole

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
90°0′N 20°0′E Arctic Ocean
80°32′N 20°0′E Norway Islands of Nordaustlandet and Spitsbergen, Svalbard
78°37′N 20°0′E Barents Sea
73°54′N 20°0′E Atlantic Ocean Norwegian Sea

What country is 60 degrees north 100 degrees east?

Which city is located at 30 degrees north and 120 degrees east?…Where is 60 and Latitude 140 longitude?

Latitude/longitude Country % Correct
60 N, 140 W United States 55.3%
60 N, 120 W Canada 54.7%
60 N, 100 W Canada 54.4%
60 N, 80 E Russia 49.8%

Is it possible for a city to be located at 120?

Explanation: It is not possible for a city to be located at 120° S and 30° W. It is because the earth is equally divided into into two hemispheres, where the latitudes starts from 0° at equator to 90° at poles, and the longitudes starts from 0° to 180° measuring from east to west direction or west to east direction.