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Which method of drawing blood would you use on a patient with small or fragile veins?

Which method of drawing blood would you use on a patient with small or fragile veins?

If the vein is small, thin, and fragile, a syringe draw may be the way to go. By using a syringe and needle to draw the patient’s blood, you can control the pressure and speed at which the blood is removed by varying the rate that you pull back on the plunger.

What is the most common method of obtaining a blood specimen?

Blood Collection Methods: Venipuncture is the most common method of obtaining a diagnostic blood specimen. Use of the evacuated blood collection system is preferable because it allows the blood to pass directly from the vein into the evacuated tube eliminating the need for specimen transfer.

What is fingerstick sampling?

A “fingerstick” is a minimally invasive procedure using a lancet to draw a drop or two of capillary blood from a finger. It’s also called finger-prick sampling or blood microsampling. Using the fingerstick method, 5-30 ul of blood can be collected from a fingertip for lab analysis.

What technique is used to help locate problems within the blood vessels throughout the body?

An angiogram is a procedure that uses X-ray contrast to look at the blood vessels (arteries or veins) in your body.

What is the smallest needle to draw blood?

The smallest gauge, 25, is used primarily with pediatric patients. 1 The short needle length allows the phlebotomist to insert it at a shallow angle that can increase the ease of use.

When is the butterfly method used in phlebotomy?

If you need to draw blood from a patient with small veins or ones that are hard to see and feel, it’s best to use a butterfly needle. Butterfly needles are available in a gauge bore range of 18 to 27.

What equipment do phlebotomists use?

When beginning your Phlebotomy training, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the wide range of equipment you may use on a day-to-day basis. At a minimum, the equipment required when drawing blood includes gloves, alcohol or iodine to cleanse the area, a tourniquet, tubes, a tube holder, needles, tape, and gauze.

Why is venipuncture a common technique for obtaining a blood sample?

Why is venipuncture a common technique for obtaining a blood sample? venipuncture is a common sampling technique because superficial veins are easy to locate, the walls of veins are thinner than those of arteries, and blood pressure in veins is relatively low, so the puncture wound seals quickly.

How do you collect a blood specimen?

Ask the patient to make a fist; avoid “pumping the fist.” Grasp the patient’s arm firmly using your thumb to draw the skin taut and anchor the vein. Swiftly insert the needle through the skin into the lumen of the vein. The needle should form a 15-30 degree angle with the arm surface. Avoid excess probing.

How do you draw blood with a finger stick?

Hold the finger in an upward position and lance the palm-side surface of the finger with proper-size lancet (adult/child). Press firmly on the finger when making the puncture. Doing so will help you to obtain the amount of blood you need. Cap the Microtainer® and gently invert it 10 times to prevent clots from forming.

What is performed from inside the esophagus is an ultrasonic imaging technique used to evaluate heart structures?

A transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) uses echocardiography to assess the structure and function of the heart. During the procedure, a transducer (like a microphone) sends out ultrasonic sound waves.

Is an imaging technique that records the echoes of pulses of sound waves?

Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves and their echoes. The sound waves are above human hearing, and the echoes from the sound waves bouncing off tissue inside the body are turned into electrical pulses that can be put together into a digital image.

When do you only need a small amount of blood?

If only a small amount of blood is needed then a few drops of blood can be squeezed out from a small prick in the tip of the finger or earlobe. For example, only a small amount of blood is needed for checking the blood sugar (glucose) level, using a test strip of paper.

When to use a scintigram in a blood test?

Terms in this set (60) Technique used when only a small amount of blood is needed as a specimen for a blood test. Technique used to help locate problems within blood vessels throughout the body. Technique that is also known as a scintigram. The drug that relieves pain without affecting consciousness.

What kind of blood test do they do before a blood transfusion?

Check your blood group before receiving a blood transfusion. FBC blood test – this is also called a full blood count. It checks for anaemia and other conditions which affect the blood cells. UE blood test – this is often written as ‘U+E’, U and Es’ or ‘U&E’ and stands for urea and electrolytes. It is used as a measure of kidney function.

Where is the best place to take a blood sample?

The vein used for blood sampling is usually on the inside of your elbow or the back of your wrist. A tight band (tourniquet) is usually placed around your upper arm. This makes the vein fill with blood and makes it easier for the blood sample to be taken. The skin over the vein may be cleaned with an antiseptic wipe.