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Which of the following commands will allow you to set your Telnet password on a Cisco router?

Which of the following commands will allow you to set your Telnet password on a Cisco router?

The command line vty 0 4 places you in a prompt that will allow you to set or change your Telnet password.

What is the password for Telnet?

Default Telnet password: admin password “password”

What are the password types for Cisco routers?

Cisco routers have three methods of representing passwords in the configuration file. From weakest to strongest, they include clear text, Vigenere encryption, and MD5 hash algorithm.

How do I Telnet a username and password?


  1. In Windows, select Start > Run.
  2. Enter telnet management server-host-name . The login prompt is displayed at first access.
  3. Log in to the Management server with a user name and password, which have administrative privileges. The default user name and password is: Login: admin. Password: ! n0r1t5@C.

What is Vty password?

The term “vty” stands for Virtual teletype. VTY is a virtual port and used to get Telnet or SSH access to the device. VTY is solely used for inbound connections to the device. These connections are all virtual with no hardware associated with them. Related Blog – VTY Password.

How do I telnet a username and password?

How do I access a Telnet switch?

Type “telnet” followed by the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the switch. The command should show that a connection is being attempted with the output “Connecting to x.x.x.x” where x.x.x.x is the IP of the switch. The next prompt you are offered is the username request from the switch.

How do I know if Telnet is enabled on a Cisco switch?

Enabling the Telnet Server

  1. switch# configure terminal. Enters global configuration mode.
  2. switch(config)# feature telnet. Enables the Telnet server.
  3. switch(config)# show telnet server. (Optional) Displays the Telnet server configuration.
  4. switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config. (Optional)

What is Cisco Type 5 password?

Cisco type 5 password This password type was introduced around 1992 and it is essentially a 1,000 iteration of MD5 hash with salt. The salt is 4 characters long (32 bits). For modern computers this is not difficult enough and thus in many cases it can be successfully cracked.

What is Cisco password?

When you access the device, you should be asked to enter a username and password. The default user name of your Cisco router is either “admin” or “cisco”. The default password of all Cisco routers is either “admin”, “cisco” or is a blank field.

What is the password for the Cisco Telnet?

Password is cisco . login: Allowing login That’s it for 1st way. Now we can test our configuration. Let’s open a putty session and try to telnet As expected, it is asking the password. After using password cisco and we are successfully logged in.

Do you need a password to enable Telnet?

Before enabling telnet, you should know, we can enable telnet in two ways. In the first way, we will add a password for telnet. By this way, whenever someone tried to telnet to the device, they only need to use password, no username. Problem with this method is, you will not be able to identify who joined to the telnet session.

How to Telnet a Cisco router in command prompt?

In command prompt type telnet IPAddress , Replace the IP Address with the real IP Address of the device you want to access. We will use the routers setup which were used in the previous lab for cisco discovery protocol (CDP).

How can I access my Remote router through telnet?

In order to access remote device (in our case remote router) through telnet, first you have to configure a password for VTY lines on the remote router, this is done initially through console cable and console connection.