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Who is Cameron in total drama?

Who is Cameron in total drama?

Kevin Duhaney is the voice of Cameron in Total Drama All-Stars.

How old is Cameron Tdri?

Cameron Wilkins

Cameron Wilkins
General Information
Gender: Male
Age: 17(TDRI)/18(TDAS) 30 (Current Age)
Hair Color: Brown

Does Cameron win Total Drama Revenge of the Island?

Cameron is a contestant on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island. He was the winner on Total Drama Revenge of The Island, but in a alternate ending that only aired in the US and the Philippines, he was the runner up, curtsey to Lightning.

Who won lightning or Cameron?

Despite their fierce battle, Cameron decides to split his money with all of the other contestants, including Lightning. In Lightning’s ending, Lightning falls on top of Cameron instead, making Lightning the winner of the season.

Why is Lightning’s hair white?

With his armor magnetize, all metallic objects are pulled towards him. To make things worse (for him), he is struck by actual lightning, with his club acting as a conductor. The resulting injuries turn Lightning’s hair white and he fell to the ground the same time with Cameron.

Who voices Zoe in total drama?

Barbara Mamabolo

Voice actor Total Drama
All-Stars Pahkitew Island
Barbara Mamabolo Zoey
Caitlynne Medrek
Ashley Peters

What happened to Lightnings hair total drama?

To make things worse (for him), he is struck by actual lightning, with his club acting as a conductor. The resulting injuries turn Lightning’s hair white and he fell to the ground the same time with Cameron.

Who are the contestants on Total Drama Revenge of the island?

Unlike previous seasons, Total Drama: Revenge of the Island features a new set of contestants, which are Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Scott, Staci, and Zoey.

Who is Cameron from Revenge of the island?

Cameron, known as the Wide-eyed Bubble Boy, a physically weak boy due to living in an inflatable bubble up until competing. However, what he lacks in strength he is able to make up for with brains and he is shown to be extremely smart which helped his team win many challenges.

Who was Cameron corduroy Wilkins in Total Drama?

Cameron Corduroy Wilkins was a camper, and one of the finalists of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, as a member of the Mutant Maggots. He returned as a camper for Total Drama All-Stars, originally as a member of the Heroic Hamsters but was switched to the Villainous Vultures in Moon Madness .

What kind of character is Cameron on Total Drama?

As a very good-natured contestant, Cameron is more than happy to help Mike control his disorder and keeps his promise well into the next season. He has a tendency to unintentionally expose secrets entrusted to him. Despite his delicate physique, he has made it past the merge both seasons he has competed in.