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Why did the hunters neglect the fire?

Why did the hunters neglect the fire?

What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out? They hunters have become so distracted by Jack’s want to hunt and kill the pigs. Jack needed enough people to circle around a pig, so the boys went with Jack, neglecting the fire.

What role does the fire play in Lord of the Flies?

Fire represents rescue and hope to the survivors. At first, the boys struggle to make a fire until Jack suggests that they could use Piggy’s ‘specs’ and the sun’s rays. The fire quickly burns out of control and a ‘littlun’ goes missing. The fire also functions as a signal to alert passing ships of the boys’ location.

Why does the fire have to be burned at all times in Lord of the Flies?

So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire.” At first, the signal fire symbolizes rescue. But as it grows out of control, it symbolizes danger and death, foreshadowing how it will later become associated with destruction and savagery.

Who is responsible for keeping the fire lit in Lord of the Flies?

Jack volunteers his group of hunters to be responsible for keeping the signal fire going.

What causes the hunters who had promised to keep the fire burning to neglect it and allow it to go out How does Ralph react What does their action symbolize?

What causes the hunters who had promised to keep the fire burning to neglect it and allow it to go out? Jack wanted all the hunters to go with him to catch the pig because they needed enough people to make a circle around it. He also wanted to prove to all of the boys that he was brave and could catch without failing.

How is Wilfred punished and what is the effect?

Even the boys who were ordered to do the beating up of Wilfred in Chapter ten of the novel ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding have no idea why they are doing it. In Chapter 10, Jack has Wilfred punished by having him tied up and left lying like that for hours. After that, he is beaten.

How does the fire get out of control in Lord of the Flies?

After Jack steals Piggy’s glasses to start the fire on the mountain in Chapter Two, it quickly grows out of control. The huge pile of dead and rotten wood “yielded passionately” to the flames, which grew twenty feet in height.

How does the fire in Lord of the Flies represent hope?

In “Lord of the Flies” fire is representative of three things: hope, power, and destruction. In the beginning of the novel, fire represents hope. The boys agree to build and maintain a fire as a signaling device to passing ships. The fire is their mechanism to achieve rescue; therefore, the fire is a symbol of hope.

What is the purpose of the fire in Lord of the Flies Chapter 2?

In Chapter 2, Ralph mentions that it is important for the boys to build a signal fire so that passing ships will stop to rescue them.

What ways did the hunters use to find Ralph?

Lord of the Flies review 1

12 – Which is not one of the ways the hunters used to find Ralph? make nets of jungle vines
12 – How is Ralph saved in the end? a British Naval officer finds him
Maurice slight, furtive- natural tendency to cruelty
Roger choir boy, “grinning all the time”

Why does Jack allow the fire to go out in the Lord of the flies?

Jack allows the fire to go out in “The Lord of the Flies” because he is distracted by killing a pig. Just before he kills the pig, Jack paints his face with red and white clay. The clay makes Jack feel like a “stranger,” and it makes the other boys obey him and follow him to hunt, even though it means they’re leaving the fire untended.

How did the signal fire go out in Lord of the flies?

Unfortunately, Jack does not view the signal fire as a necessity or concern and quickly dismisses his hunters from maintaining the fire in favor of hunting. In chapter 4, the hunters leave their station at the top of the mountain to hunt with Jack, and the signal fire goes out.

What happens in Chapter 4 of Lord of flies?

In chapter 4, the hunters leave their station at the top of the mountain to hunt with Jack, and the signal fire goes out. Tragically, the boys miss a rare opportunity to be rescued when a ship passes the island because the people responsible for maintaining the fire are busy hunting.

Why did the boys save the fire in Lord of the flies?

Ironically, the fire used for destructive purposes toward the end of the story turns out to be the reason why the boys are saved after all, indicating fire’s ability to both save and end lives. The wood was not so dry as the fuel they had used on the mountain.