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Why do I black out when lying down?

Why do I black out when lying down?

Orthostatic hypotension — also called postural hypotension — is a form of low blood pressure that happens when you stand up from sitting or lying down. Orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, and maybe even cause you to faint.

Can you blackout while laying down?

When you lie or fall down, blood flow to the brain resumes. Vasovagal syncope is quite common. It most often affects children and young adults, but it can happen at any age. It happens to men and women in about equal numbers.

What is the most common cause of syncope when a patient is lying down?

Postural syncope (also called postural hypotension) Postural syncope is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure due to a quick change in position, such as from lying down to standing. Certain medications and dehydration can lead to this condition.

Why do I have blackouts in my head?

Blackouts may often be caused by trauma to the head or brain including: Complications of brain surgery

What are some of the symptoms of a blackout?

Nervous system symptoms that may occur along with blackouts Blackouts may accompany other symptoms affecting the brain and nervous system including: Changes in hearing, taste or smell Changes in mood, personality or behavior

What causes a blackout in the middle of the night?

Traumatic causes of blackouts. Blackouts may often be caused by trauma to the head or brain including: Complications of brain surgery. Concussion. Electroshock therapy. Injections and innoculations. Mild head injury. Phlebotomy (drawing a blood sample) Traumatic emotional event.

What causes a person to black out after a fall?

Other causes of blacking out may be due to low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) and lack of oxygen (hypoxia) from a variety of causes. It may be due to over-breathing (hyperventilation) but this is rare. You may also black out after a fall or blow to the head or due to excess alcohol or street drugs.