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Why do outer planets retain light gases?

Why do outer planets retain light gases?

The four planets farthest from the Sun are the outer planets. Since the inner planets didn’t have enough mass to hold on to these light gases, their hydrogen and helium floated away into space. The Sun and the massive outer planets had enough gravity to keep hydrogen and helium from drifting away.

Why do outer planets have thick atmospheres?

Because the jovian planets are massive and cold, they have THICK atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. The terrestrial planets are small in mass and warm, so they have thin atmospheres made of heavier molecules like carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

Why don t the outer planets have a separate atmosphere?

Uranus and Neptune are made primarily of hydrogen compounds, with smaller traces of hydrogen, helium, metal and rock. The most common hydrogen compounds are methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), and water (H2O). The farther away a planet is from the Sun, the cooler its atmosphere will be.

Why are outer planets brighter?

Planets shine in visible light only by reflected sunlight. So they can show phases. The inner (or inferior) planets show the full range of phases, and they can never be very far from the sun in the sky. Outer planets are brightest at opposition (closest Earth-planet distance and full phase).

Why doesn’t the gas on a gas giant escape into space as it has on Mercury?

Like the sun, the gas giants are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Because they are so massive, they exert a much stronger gravitational force than the terrestrial planets. This prevents their gases from escaping, so they have thick atmospheres.

Why did the terrestrial planets lose their primary atmospheres?

Why did the terrestrial planets lose their primary atmospheres? Their low gravities couldn’t hold them. Which molecule moves with the fastest average speed in the Earth’s atmosphere in thermal equilibrium? UV light would break apart the water molecules, and the hydrogen would be lost into space.

Do the outer planets have atmospheres?

The outer planets have a lot of atmosphere. The outermost part of these planets may be slushy. Below the surface, hydrogen and helium are in a liquid form. At the center is a rocky core.

Why did the terrestrial planets lose the majority of the gas in their primary atmospheres?

Its escape velocity is low. 3. Why did the terrestrial planets lose the majority of the gas in their primary atmospheres? The solar wind was too strong and blew these gases off the planets.

Why do the outer planets orbit the sun slower?

Outer planets take longer to orbit than inner planets because of the greater distance they need to cover. They also are further from the sun weakening the power of the suns gravitational pull which causes then to orbit slower.

Why do we see planets and why are they less bright than the sun?

But a planet’s overall brightness is also affected by its distance from the sun, which determines the intensity of sunlight illuminating its surface. This factor depends on the planet’s surface, including light and dark areas that may rotate into and out of view.

How is Saturn a planet if its gas?

Saturn’s surface Saturn is classified as a gas giant because it is almost completely made of gas. Its atmosphere bleeds into its “surface” with little distinction. If a spacecraft attempted to touch down on Saturn, it would never find solid ground.

Why did the outer planets not loose gas?

Thank you so much @Meredith Grey! because the outer planets are made of gas so their atmospheres are making their weight stronger than inner terrestrial planets. The outer planets do not loose gas because they are so big and they could hold all of the gas in the atmosphere Mr. Bob, this name is inappropriate for this site.

Why are the outer planets bigger than the inner planets?

The outer planets are bigger. Therefore they have more mass, meaning they have a stronger pull of gravity which is keeping the gas from floating away. In a drawing that represents a scale model of the solar system, the sun is placed at the center and the planets are shown orbiting in circles around it.

Why are the atmospheres of mercury and Mars not as strong?

1. ) They have more mass, and thus more gravity to hold on to their atmospheres. 2. ) They are more distant from the Sun, so the solar winds that have stripped the atmospheres of Mercury and Mars, for example, down to practically nothing, are not as strong. Thank you, you really helped me understand this better. You want Grey’s Anatomy, don’t you?