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Why do we eat protective food answer?

Why do we eat protective food answer?

Since protective food provides protection and defends our body from multiple diseases and illnesses. Foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins are referred to as protective foods.

What is the use of protective food?

Foods that contain large amount of antioxidants that make free radicals harmless are called protective foods. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are referred to as protective foods as they provide immunity and protect our body from various diseases and infections.

What does Protective food mean?

Definition of protective foods : foods (as leafy or yellow vegetables, citrus fruits, meat, milk, eggs) that contain adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and high quality proteins and the protect against development of a deficiency disease (as pellagra, beriberi, scurvy)

What do protective food protect us from?

Vitamins and minerals protect us from falling sick. They are called as protective food. We get vitamins and minerals from milk, fruits and vegetables.

What are protective foods Why are they so called Class 6?

Answer: Protective foods are foods that contain minerals and vitamins. The minerals and vitamins in the protective food protect the body against various diseases.

Which nutrients are called protective food?

Vitamins are also called protective foods. Minerals have a number of functions in the body including developing body tissues and supporting metabolic processes. The minerals that are of most importance are calcium, iron, iodine, zinc and fluorine.

How do protective food and body building food support our body?

Body building foods are a source of proteins and help build our bones and muscles. Pulses, nuts and oilseeds, milk and milk products, and meat, fish and poultry are body building foods. Protective foods provide vitamins and minerals and help in improving our immunity.

What are energy giving and protective foods?

The body building food are the proteins, energy giving food are the fats and carbohydrates whereas the protective foods are the minerals and vitamins. The body building food are milk, fish, meat, energy giving food are butter, ghee and protective foods are fruits and vegetables.

Is protective food is a body building food?

Generally, foods, which have high protein content, are considered as body building foods. Meat, egg, and milk products are foods, which help to build up muscle. Protective Foods: Protective foods are those foods, which are required for protecting the body against war and tear as well as to build up the immune system.

Why do we need body building food?

Bodybuilding Nutrition: Foods to Eat and Avoid. Like training, diet is a vital part of bodybuilding. Eating the right foods in the appropriate amounts provides your muscles with the nutrients they need to recover from workouts and grow bigger and stronger.

What is the importance of energy giving foods?

Carbohydrates are referred to as energy-giving foods. They provide energy in the form of calories that the body needs to be able to work, and to support other functions. Carbohydrates are needed in large amounts by the body. Indeed, up to 65% of our energy comes from carbohydrates.

Are there any health benefits to protective foods?

Protective foods have benefits beyond disease prevention as well. Although vitamins and dietary supplements provide many of the same substances, they are not as beneficial.

Why do we eat the foods we do?

We eat because we are hungry. We eat for energy. You might know some of the reasons we crave certain foods, but most of our food decisions come from hidden forces. In fact, Food Psychologist Dr. Brian Wansink has found that we make more than 200 food decisions each day but we are unaware of 90% of them.

Why is it important to protect food from contamination?

Protecting food is important It is a legal requirement that a food business, when receiving, storing, processing and displaying food, takes all practicable steps to protect food from the likelihood of contamination. Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements of the Food Standards Code sets out the specific

Why are healthy foods important for your health?

All such foods offer some protective value and health boost, but foods that are richest in vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients and disease-fighting compounds known as antioxidants tend to carry the biggest benefits.