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Why does Athena disguise herself from Odysseus?

Why does Athena disguise herself from Odysseus?

In Book One, Athena disguises herself as the trusted family friend Mentes. She hopes that as Mentes, she can convince Telemachus to hold an assembly and rebuke his mother’s suitors. She also wants to convince Telemachus to commission a boat and crew to search Hellas for his father Odysseus or news of his fate.

Why was Odysseus in a disguise?

Overall, Odysseus’s disguise allows him to test his subjects’ loyalty and infiltrate the circle of suitors, which gives him the element of surprise. It is not Penelope who recognizes Odysseus, but Eurycleia, who is the housekeeper and served as Odysseus’s wet nurse.

Why does Athena changed Odysseus appearance?

Athena changed Odysseus’s appearance back to that of an old beggar to help him proceed with his plan. In book seventeen Odysseus tells his son to return home to Penelope.

Why does Athena disguise herself in Book 13?

Athena wants Odysseus to disguise himself because she knows that it is in his nature to want to know the exact attitudes and crimes of those who took advantage of his disappearance.

Does Athena disguise as Odysseus?

Athena meets Odysseus on Ithaca and disguises him as an old beggar so that he can gain information without being recognized. He meets his loyal swineherd, Eumaeus, and is pleased with the man’s hospitality as well as his devotion to his master, whom he does not recognize.

How does Athena help Odysseus?

Athena helps Odysseus a final time by preventing a civil war on Ithaca. She gives his father the strength to strike down the leader of the suitors’ families, then commands the people of Ithaca to disperse and accept Odysseus as their returned king.

How does Athena make Odysseus look?

When Odysseus returns to Ithaca and needs a disguise in order to gather information without revealing his true identity, Athena makes him over to look like an old beggar, even wrinkling his skin and taking the fire out of his eyes (13.454-460.).

How did Athena help Odysseus in his transformation?

Athena turns Odysseus into an old beggar so that he can meet the swineherd without being recognized. She then leads Telemachus safely to the swineherd’s farm by having him circumvent the danger of suitors trying to kill him. Once Telemachus is there, she transforms Odysseus into a dazzling version of his younger self.

Does Athena disguise herself as Odysseus?

In Book I, the Goddess Athena disguises herself as Mentes, an old family friend of Odysseus, when she goes to visit his son, Telemachus. Athena, disguised as him, tells Telemachus that he is sailing to the city of Temese with his own crew, claiming that he is in search of copper.

In what book of the Odyssey does Athena disguise Odysseus as a beggar?

Book 17 of
In Book 17 of The Odyssey, Telemachus goes to the palace so his mother Penelope can stop worrying about him. Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, makes his way to the palace, where he is attacked by Antinous, one of the suitors, for asking for food as a beggar.

Why does Athena disguise herself in the Odyssey?

In respect to this, why does Athena disguise herself in the Odyssey? In Book I, the Goddess Athena disguises herself as Mentes, an old family friend of Odysseus, when she goes to visit his son, Telemachus. Athena, disguised as him, tells Telemachus that he is sailing to the city of Temese with his own crew, claiming that he is in search of copper.

Why does Athena come to Telemachus in the Odyssey?

Athena comes to Telemachus because she is trying to get Odysseus home. Odysseus has been blocked for seven years from returning to his homeland by Poseidon, who hates him and has kept him trapped on the island of Ogyia. Athena appeals to a council of gods to help her, and Zeus sides with her. Who is Athena disguised as in Book 4?

Why was the disguise so important to Odysseus?

The following line from “Odysseus’ Capacity for Disguise” explains the importance of his camouflage; “Odysseus’ disguise allows him to turn the humiliation imposed on him by his enemies into a defense against them” (Murnaghan).

How did Athena save Odysseus in Greek mythology?

When Poseidon discovers this he sinks the small vessel, but Odysseus is saved by Athena and a helpful sea nymph. He washes ashore on the island of Phaecia, where Athena disguises herself as a local girl to guide the king’s daughter to Odysseus.