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Why does Darzee sing a death song for Rikki-tikki?

Why does Darzee sing a death song for Rikki-tikki?

Earlier in the story Darzee has sung a sorrowful song because one of his fledglings has fallen out of the nest, and been eaten by Nag, the big cobra. Later in the tale Darzee’s sensible wife helps Rikki-tikki by distracting the female cobra, Nagaina.

Who did Darzee sing a mournful death song?

So he sang a very mournful song that hemade up all on the spur of the minute, and justas he got to the most touching part the grassquivered again, and Rikki-tikki, covered withdirt, dragged himself out of the hole leg by leg,licking his whiskers. Darzee stopped with alittle shout.

What does Darzee’s chant tell?

It is Darzee’s job to tell the garden that Rikki is victorious, and is their hero. He sings a song letting everyone know how brave Rikki-tikki is and how he has saved them. After Rikki-tikki kills the snakes, there are no more snakes in the garden.

What is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi theme song?

One theme from Rikki Tikki Tavi would be courage. Rikki has to fight two cobras, Nag and Nagaina, to protect his garden and Teddy. He is frightened of them because they are stronger and bigger than he is, but he overcomes his fear and fights them anyway.

Why is Rikki Tikki annoyed with Darzee?

I will begin by summarizing the main ideas in lines 1–14. I meet the main character (Rikki-tikki-tavi) and find out how he came to live with Teddy’s family. I read in lines 16–19 that two birds, Darzee and his wife, are upset. They are upset because a snake named Nag ate one of their babies.

Why do you suppose Rikki Tikki does not want Darzee to sing of Nag’s defeat What does this show you about Rikki Tikki’s growth as a mongoose?

Why do you think Rikki-tikki does not want Darzee to sing of Nag’s defeat and how does this show his growth as a mongoose? Nagaina may hear and come to him. This shows how he has more knowledge of when and when not to fight. She goes back to her hole, but along the way Rikki-tikki bites her and holds on.

Who is Darzee in Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

Darzee is the tailor-bird and ally of the mongoose in Rudyard Kipling’s “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.” Darzee serves as the messenger for all the animals in the garden, singing songs and spreading the word about the activities of the cobras. He knows all of the garden’s secrets, including where Nagaina has laid her eggs.

Why do you suppose Rikki-tikki does not want Darzee to sing of Nag’s defeat What does this show you about Rikki-tikki’s growth as a mongoose?

Why was Darzee singing a sad song at the beginning of the story?

Darzee was also singing a sad song after the battle with Nagaina because he thinks Rikki is dead. Darzee’s wife acted like she had a broken wing so Nagaina would think she would be an easy kill, she managed to lure her away from the rubbish pile.

What did Rikki Tikki do at night after killing Nagaina?

Rikki-tikki curled himself up in the grass and slept where he was – slept and slept till it was late in the afternoon, for he had done a hard day’s work. “Now,” he said, when he awoke, “I will go back to the house. Tell the Coppersmith, Darzee, and he will tell the garden that Nagaina is dead.”

Who are the secondary characters in Rikki-tikki-tavi?

The minor characters in the story are Darzee’s wife, Karait, Chuchundra, and the Coppersmith.

Who is big man in Rikki-tikki-tavi?

As an Englishman in India during the late nineteenth century, the big man represents imperial England’s presence in India and thus gives a historical and cultural context to the story. He and his family take Rikki-tikki-tavi into their home and thereby earn his loyalty and protection.

How is Rikki Tikki Tavi found in the road?

As a young mongoose, Rikki-tikki-tavi is washed away from his family’s burrow and left dying by the side of the road. He’s discovered by a small English boy, Teddy, who initially thinks Rikki-tikki-tavi is dead.

Why does Rikki Tikki not eat the dead Karait?

Rikki-tikki refrains from eating the dead Karait, knowing that eating too much will make him slow, and instead he takes a dust bath in the bushes while Teddy’s father continues to beat the hatchling’s body. Rikki-tikki is perplexed by the action, since the baby snake is already dead, and he finds all the fuss amusing.

Who are Darzee and his wife in Rikki Tikki Tavi?

Darzee and his wife are a pair of tailorbirds who live in the garden. Like many of the animal occupants, they are terrified of the snakes and lack the ability to stop their depredations.

Who are the main characters in Rikki Tikki Tavi?

Darzee, the tailor-bird, helped him, and Chuchundra, the musk-rat, who never comes out into the middle of the floor, but always creeps round by the wall, gave him advice; but Rikki-tikki did the real fighting. He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits.