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Why germinating seeds are used in the experiment showing CO2 is released during respiration?

Why germinating seeds are used in the experiment showing CO2 is released during respiration?

Germinating seeds are used in the experiment because they are continuously respiring and liberating CO2 that is absorbed by the KOH solution used in the experiment which forms a vacuum in the conical flask as a result of which the water in the bent tube is pulled up.

Do germinating seeds release carbon dioxide during respiration?

Hint: Carbon dioxide is released during aerobic respiration. As the germinating seeds respire aerobically, they release carbon dioxide.

How can you prove that carbon dioxide is produced?

Outside air is only passed inside though air pump via soda lime in flask A (absorbs CO2 in air). As the air leaves the jar, it passes through lime water in flask B. CO2 being heavier than air would flow down into the test tube turning limewater milky. Thus, carbon dioxide is produced by green plants during respiration.

Why do germinating seeds produce CO2?

When seeds become moist, the water is first absorbed by the seed’s covering, which softens and allows water to penetrate the seed. Therefore, carbon dioxide gas production is evidence of cellular respiration in germinating seeds.

What is the role of KOH?

When water level rises in the tube, it indicates that carbon dioxide is produced by germinating seeds.So, the role of KOH here is that it absorbs the carbon dioxide gas which creates a vacuum in conical flask and finally pulls the water in the bent tube which proves respiration in plants.

How will you show by an activity that carbon dioxide released during respiration?

Answer: KOH solution absorbs the CO2 released during respiration of seeds, which creates a partial vacuum in the conical flask, causing the rise in the water level of the U-shaped delivery tube. Rise in the level of water shows that CO2 is released during respiration.

Is carbon dioxide released during respiration?

The process of respiration produces energy for organisms by combining glucose with oxygen from the air. During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are changed into energy and carbon dioxide. Therefore, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere during the process of cellular respiration.

Why were germinating seeds used in the experiment?

Germinating seeds are used in the experiment of the release of carbon dioxide during respiration because they respire a lot more than a plant that has already grown. A new plant will require more energy and oxygen to get started.

How do you prove that carbon dioxide is produced during respiration in germinating seeds?

KOH solution absorbs the CO2 released during respiration of seeds, which creates a partial vacuum in the conical flask, causing the rise in the water level of the U-shaped delivery tube. Rise in the level of water shows that CO2 is released during respiration.

How does CO2 produced during respiration?

Cellular respiration converts ingested nutrients in the form of glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen to energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). CO2 is produced as a byproduct of this reaction. The O2 needed for cellular respiration is obtained via inhalation.

Why do germinating seeds release carbon dioxide during respiration?

The germinating seeds in the conical flask release CO 2 during respiration, which is absorbed by the KOH solution kept in the small test tube. This creates a partial vacuum in the flask that forces the water up the delivery tube. Thus, it proves that germinating seeds produce carbon dioxide during respiration.

How to prove that carbon dioxide is produced during respiration?

Experiment to prove that carbon dioxide is produced during respiration in germinating seeds. Put some germinating seeds in a conical flask. The conical flask is fitted to a delivery tube bent twice at right angles by means of cork. Suspend a small test tube containing 20% potassium hydroxide.

How is heat produced during respiration in plants?

Respiration in plants can be investigated by transport out experiments to show the production of carbon dioxide (CO 2) and heat and consumption of oxygen. Some amount of energy is generated from the oxidation of food materials is released as heat. This can be proved by germinating seeds.

How is cellular respiration used to determine if seeds are still viable?

In fact, seed suppliers measure seed respiration using a highly sensitive method to determine if dormant seeds are still viable and suitable for cultivation. When plants use sugars stored in their leaves or seeds they undergo cellular respiration Sugar + Oxygen ( Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP)