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Why is a first voided specimen desired?

Why is a first voided specimen desired?

In many cases, a first-voided morning specimen may be desired for testing because it contains the greatest concentration of dissolved substances, and a small amount of an abnormal substance that is present would be more easily detected.

Why are routine urine specimens often collected from the first void of the day?

Routine urine specimens are often collected from the first void, or urination, of the day because this urine is the most concentrated. Non-Ambulatory Patients: The patient’s genital area must be cleaned thoroughly before the specimen is collected.

Why is it necessary that urine samples should be collected from the first urine voided in the morning?

The first voided morning specimen is particularly valuable because it is more concentrated and abnormalities are easier to detect. An early morning specimen is also relatively free of dietary influences and changes due to physical activity.

What does freshly voided urine mean?

Freshly voided urine is clear and transparent. Cloudy urine may be caused by crystals, deposits, white cells, red cells, epithelial cells or fat globules. Further evaluation with centrifugation, microscopic examination, heating or with ether generally determines the cause of the turbidity.

What does urine voided mean?

Another word for emptying the bladder or urinating.

What is first void urine?

First voided specimen: Sample also referred to as a first morning specimen. This sample is collected the first time the patient urinates in the morning. A first voided specimen is the most concentrated and is the preferred specimen for pregnancy testing, bacterial cultures and microscopic examinations.

Why is first urine of the day request for examination?

Generally, it doesn’t matter what time of day you collect a urine sample, but there are occasional exceptions. Your doctor may, for example, request a first morning sample because the urine is more concentrated and therefore it is more likely to show up any abnormalities.

Is first urine required for urine culture?

For another example, a urine culture may be used to help diagnose infections of the urinary tract and genital tract caused by mycobacteria. Typically, this test requires that the first urine voided in the morning be collected.

What does random urine mean?

Random urine samples are used for urinalysis, which can screen and diagnose metabolic disorders and urinary tract infections. Your doctor may order urinalysis to determine, for example, the cause of bloody urine, abdominal pains or burning sensations associated with urination.

What does first voided urine mean?