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Why is a variegated leaf used to show that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis?

Why is a variegated leaf used to show that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis?

Take a variegated leaf of the potted plant kept in bright sunlight. The blue colour will not appear in variegated parts. This shows that starch formation takes place only in green (chlorophyll containing) parts of the leaf. Thus, the chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis.

What is the importance of using a variegated leaf?

Uses. A variegated leaf is useful in conducting experiments to show that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis to happen. They are also popular in horticulture.

Do variegated plants have chlorophyll?

One of the most common variegated plant problems is limited chlorophyll in the leaves. Less chlorophyll means less solar energy, as it is a primary component in photosynthesis. Variegated plants are less vigorous than green specimens are.

Why do we use plants with variegated leaves for the activity?

In the experiment, a variegated leaf is used because some part of the leaf is green in color, while some part is non-green. Owing to the presence of chlorophyll, the green part of the leaf is green and can perform photosynthesis. The non-green component has no chlorophyll and thus does not conduct photosynthesis.

Why is a variegated leaf used for the above experiment?

A variegated leaf with green and yellow paths is used for an experiment to prove that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis. Before the experiment, the green portions (A), and the pale yellow portions (B), are observed.

How would you demonstrate that light is necessary for photosynthesis?

Observation: – The ethyl alcohol breaks the chlorophyll in the leaves and makes them white in color, and iodine turns the starch into a blue-black color. – So starch is produced only in the leaves which are exposed to sunlight, and this proves that sunlight is very essential for plants to do photosynthesis.

What is the purpose of variegation in nature?

Variegated leaves help capture “sun flecks.” Yellow or red portions of the leaf epidermis also allows the plant to capture the green end of the white-light spectrum. As for the variation of leaf-color to attract pollinators to flowers please consider…

How might leaf variegation be a advantage for plants?

Several potential physiological advantages of variegation have been proposed in plants. For example, it was reported that leaf variegation is involved in plant defense from enemies including aposematic coloration, mimicry of dead or infested plants, masquerade and camouflage [16,17,18,19].

Does variegation affect photosynthesis?

Pigment-leaf variegation is most common in ornamental plants because of the chlorophyll-deficiency [6]. The white sectors of variegated leaves lack photosynthetic activity, therefore, leaf variegation may affect photosynthetic efficiency [12].

Do variegated leaves contain chlorophyll?

Variegated leaves have green parts (where the cells contain chlorophyll) and white parts (where there is no chlorophyll). Only the parts that were green become blue/black with iodine solution, showing the importance of chlorophyll in photosynthesis.

How can we demonstrate that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis Class 7?


  • Take a potted plant with variegated leaves like croton and keep it in a dark region, away from sunlight for 3 days.
  • Then keep the plant facing the sunlight for 6 to 8 hours.
  • The plant can now carry out photosynthesis and produce starch.
  • Mark the green areas in the leaf and trace them on a sheet of paper.

Why is variegated leaf used in both the main and control experiment?

For easier observation, we use the variegated leaf, as it contains both the chlorophyll containing and yellow parts. So, we can test in the same leaf that food is formed only in parts of the leaf containing chlorophyll and not in parts not containing chlorophyll.

What does chlorophyll do to a variegated plant?

Variegated plants have regions of their leaves with, and without, chlorophyll. Only those areas of the leaf with chlorophyll photosynthesise. They will test positive for starch, which is built up from the glucose produced.

How does the variegated leaf experiment help to demonstrate the essentiality of?

Variegated leaf experiment helps to demonstrate the essentiality of for photosynthesis. Variegated leaf experiment helps to demonstrate the essentiality of ____________ for photosynthesis. Variegated leaf experiment helps to demonstrate that chlorophyll ( pigment present in green parts of plants ) is essential for photosynthesis.

What are the leaves of a variegated plant?

(Functional Ecology, vol 4, p 463). Variegated plants have leaves with patches or stripes of white or yellow. than leaves that are green all over. Ornamental plants with purple, red, chlorophyll. tropical woodlands and forests. Givnish says that against the sun-dappled herbivores, such as deer, cannot spot variegated leaves.

How is the effect of chlorophyll on photosynthesis investigated?

The food is important for the plants and for organisms that feed on the plants. Optimum rates of photosynthesis produce maximum plant yields. The effect of the presence or absence of chlorophyll on photosynthesis can be investigated using a variegated plant. Variegated plants have regions of their leaves with, and without, chlorophyll.