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Why is modifying plants important?

Why is modifying plants important?

A modification is important in various organs of the plants as they help to perform separate functions. At times, these functions are crucial for the existence of the plants.

What is the importance of stem modification?

In certain plants, the aerial stem or buds get modified to perform special functions like climbing, protection, food storage, vegetative propagation etc.

What is modification of the parts of a plant?

Modified parts means the part has been specialised to perform other functions also. For example: Roots of certain plants have been modified to perform functions such as storage along with other functions such as water absorption.

Why are plant organs modified?

Each plant organ originally evolved in the context of specific environmental imperatives related to terrestrial life. Leaves were adapted to optimize photosynthesis. Stems elevate the leaves, serve as a conduit from the roots to the leaves, and also generate new growth.

What is plant modification called?

Modifications of roots Roots are the part of the plant which are mainly used for support and anchorage of plants. 2. Some of the roots like carrot and radish are modified to perform a special function like storage of food. The food stored in the roots is utilized during unfavorable conditions. 3.

Why do stems get modified Give any three examples and explain how these modifications help the plant?

Rhizomes and corms are underground stems, modified for the storage of food. Also, these stems help in vegetative reproduction of these plants. The tips of the underground stem in potato plants become swollen due to the accumulation of food. The potato is a tuber that helps in the storage of food and bears eyes on it.

What is plant modification?

In some plants, the roots change their shape and get modified to absorb and transport water and minerals from the soil to different parts of the plant. They are also modified for support, food storage, and respiration. The root modifications perform two major functions- Physiological and Mechanical.

What is a modified stem of a plant?

A rhizome is a modified stem that grows horizontally underground; it has nodes and internodes. Vertical shoots may arise from the buds on the rhizome of some plants, such as ginger and ferns. Tubers are modified stems that may store starch, as seen in the potato.

How do parts of plant help the plant?

The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground. The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. The leaves collect energy from the Sun and make food for the plant, using an amazing process called photosynthesis.

What is the function of the leaf modification Phyllodium?

Phyllodes are modified petioles or leaf stems, which are leaf-like in appearance and function. In some plants, these become flattened and widened, while the leaf itself becomes reduced or vanishes altogether. Thus the phyllode comes to serve the purpose of the leaf.

Why do leaves modify?

Leaves can be modified in the form of spines that reduce water loss and also act as a defence. Some are modified into tendrils to provide support to the plant. Some leaves are thick that help in water storage. Some are modified to catch and digest insects.

What is the function of modified leaves?

Whole leaves or parts of leaves are often modified for special functions, such as for climbing and substrate attachment, storage, protection against predation or climatic conditions, or trapping and digesting insect prey.