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Why is population control necessary?

Why is population control necessary?

The formation of a national Indian planning commission for population control is viewed as necessary for motivating all people to reduce population size. More statistics are needed in India on environmental measures and population. Environmental degradation lowers economic status, which in turn contributes to poverty.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of population control?

1 Advantage: Industrial, Medical, and Agricultural Innovation. Many of the world’s most remarkable innovations over the past 300 years are attributable to population growth.

  • 2 Advantage: Economic Growth.
  • 3 Disadvantage: Food Shortage.
  • 4 Disadvantage: Property Shortage.
  • 5 Disadvantage: Aging Dependency.
  • What are the consequences of population control?

    A rapidly increasing population reduces incomes, savings and investment. Thus capital formation is retarded and job opportunities are reduced, thereby increasing unemployment. Moreover, as the labour force increases in relation to land, capital and other resources, complementary factors available per worker decline.

    What is the benefit of depopulation?

    Slower population growth means that women on average are having fewer children, which gives girls and women the opportunity to pursue education and careers and continue a positive cycle of schooling, autonomy and equal status. Slower population growth will also place a higher value on immigration.

    What are the negative effects of population control?

    It leads to the cutting of forests for cultivation leading to several environmental change. Besides all this, the increasing population growth leads to the migration of large number to urban areas with industrialization. This results in polluted air, water, noise and population in big cities and towns.

    Why is overpopulation good?

    There are some benefits of overpopulation, more people means more labor force, it can product more things, and more people will buy the products, However, the growth of population should be similar to the food supply, so overpopulation will cause lack of food, and as the rate of growth of population exceeds the rate of …

    Why is population decline a bad thing?

    Other possible negative impacts of a declining population are: A rise in the dependency ratio which would increase the economic pressure on the workforce. A crisis in end of life care for the elderly because there are insufficient caregivers for them.

    How will overpopulation affect the world?

    2 Population is growing rapidly, far outpacing the ability of our planet to support it, given current practices. Overpopulation is associated with negative environmental and economic outcomes ranging from the impacts of over-farming, deforestation, and water pollution to eutrophication and global warming.

    How bad is overpopulation?

    The Effects of Overpopulation More people means an increased demand for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more. And all that consumption contributes to ecological degradation, increased conflicts, and a higher risk of large-scale disasters like pandemics.