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Why should we raise the drinking age to 21 in Australia?

Why should we raise the drinking age to 21 in Australia?

They say raising the age limit would protect young people from the brain damage that can be caused by too much alcohol and the harms associated with being drunk, such as car accidents and violence.

What are the benefits of raising the drinking age to 21?

The age 21 MLDA saves lives and improves health. There is also evidence that the age 21 MLDA protects drinkers from alcohol and other drug dependence, adverse birth outcomes, and suicide and homicide.

Why the drinking age should not be raised in Australia?

The harms include an increased risk of traffic accidents, injuries from violence and, some studies suggest, suicide. In Australia we have seen increasing rates of alcohol use cause hospitalisations among young Australians.

What are the benefits of raising the drinking age?

Pros of Raising the Drinking Age to 25

  • Protects Brain Development.
  • Prevents Drunk Driving Fatalities.
  • Decreases Underage Drinking.
  • Lowers Addiction Risk.
  • Raises the Thrill of Underage Drinking.
  • Discourages People to Get Help in Emergencies.
  • Doesn’t Align With Other Age Restrictions.

Why drinking age should not be increased?

Opponents of lowering the MLDA argue that teens have not yet reached an age where they can handle alcohol responsibly, and thus are more likely to harm or even kill themselves and others by drinking prior to 21. They contend that traffic fatalities decreased when the MLDA increased.

Why should the drinking age not be raised?

Should Australia increase the legal drinking age?

There are fresh calls to raise Australia’s drinking age from 18 to 21, with the rate of alcohol-fuelled violence increasing among young Australians. Evidence relating to the trickle-down effect shows that people aged a few years below the legal drinking age can easily obtain alcohol from older siblings or friends.

Why Should 18-year-olds be allowed to drink?

18-year-olds are legal adults and should be allowed to drink. Alcohol is the number one choice drug among teenagers and young adults. The legal drinking age in the US should be lowered to 18, and young adults should have the ability to drink where alcohol is served. …

What are the pros and cons of the national minimum drinking age?

Pros and Cons. Under the 1984 National Minimum Drinking Age Act [23 U.S.C 158], persons under 21 years of age are prohibited from purchasing alcohol in all 50 U.S. states. Although there are exceptions in certain states when alcohol is consumed at home, under adult supervision, and for medical purposes, the drinking age still stands.

What happens when the drinking age is lowered to 18?

With the drinking age lowered from 21 to 18, students in middle school and high school will have easy access to alcohol. Surveys show that teenagers who are newly legal drinkers have a high tendency to buy alcohol for their underage friends or peers.

How old do you have to be to drink alcohol in the UK?

If people aged 18 years old are allowed to consume alcohol legally, they would not consider breaking the law just to get their way, or even try to prove a point. This may cause a problem with younger people aged below 18, but that is another story.

Why was the drinking age set at 21?

The Uniform Drinking Act, which compelled states to set the legal drinking age at 21 by withholding ten percent of highway funding from states that kept the minimum legal drinking age at 18, is an example of federal government overreach into state affairs.