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Why the level of water in the tube falls first and then starts to rise when the flask is heated?

Why the level of water in the tube falls first and then starts to rise when the flask is heated?

The water rises in the tubing. However, if you carefully observe the water level in the tubing when the heating begins, you will see that it falls slightly and then begins to rise! It falls because the glass in the flask starts to expand before the water inside. When the heat energy reaches the water it expands.

What will happen to a drop of ink when Flask A is heated?

(b) The flask got heated first, so it expanded. Therefore, the drop of red ink fell at first. When the air in the flask gained heat, it expanded and pushed against the drop of red ink. Hence, the drop of red ink rose.

When a liquid is heated in glass flask It is observed that the level at first goes down and then rises explain this observation?

Explain this observation. Flask which is in contact with the heat expands first. Then the liquid expands more than glass.

What will happen to the level of liquid in the glass tube and why?

The level of liquid in the glass tube will decrease as the water in the tube diffuses into the corn syrup filled core.

Why does ink diffuse faster in hot water?

Temperature of a substance is related to how fast the molecules are vibrating. Therefore, in the hot water the molecules were vibrating faster than they were in the cold water. This causes the dye in the hot water to actually diffuse, or move throughout the water, more quickly!

At what level is liquid heated?

Explanation: when a liquid is heated , the molecules it is composed of acquire higher kinetic energy. This would mean that they would occupy more place and hence , the level of liquid rises.

What happens to the level of the liquid while it is cooling down?

A decrease in temperature caused the water molecules to lose energy and slow down, which results in water molecules that are closer together and a decrease in water volume. When water is heated, it expands, or increases in volume. As water cools, it contracts and decreases in volume.

What will happen to the water when the test tube is placed in warm water?

The water in the testtube expands as it is heated. There is only one direction to expand in, the glass tube. This is the same phenomenon as in thermometers with a glass bulb on the lower end.

Why does H2O expand when it freezes?

When water freezes solid, at 32 degrees, it expands dramatically. Each water molecule is two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom (H2O). The H2O molecule’s slightly charged ends attract the oppositely charged ends of other water molecules. In liquid water, these “hydrogen bonds” form, break, and re-form.

Why does the ink not flow back into the tube?

Ink doesn’t flow back because of Surface tension of the ink Viscosity of the ink and Adhesive force between the tube and ink

Why does the expansion of water in a thermometer fall?

It falls because the glass in the flask starts to expand before the water inside. When the heat energy reaches the water it expands. So the expansion of liquid you see in a thermometer is really the expansion of liquid less the expansion of the glass tube. You can do this experiment at home.

What happens when you tilt a glass of water?

Surface tension. If you imagine tilting a half-full glass of water as if to start to pour it out, you’ll notice that the surface area increases.

How does the expansion of water in a flask work?

Put some coloured water in a small bottle or flask fitted with a one hole stopper and glass tube that extends into the bottle. Heat the bottle. The water level initially falls as the bottle expands then rises as the liquid is warmed and expands. Cool the bottle.