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Why would you like to work with our company answer?

Why would you like to work with our company answer?

Possible Answer 1 I believe the skillset & experience I possess not only shall bring value to your organization, but in turn shall also help me to acquire experience & sharpen my skills amidst your organization’s professional work culture.

What do you love about your company?

Reasons why people love their jobs

  • Flexibility. A great employer understands that you have other things to take care of outside of work.
  • Company culture. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, finding a work environment where you feel comfortable is key.
  • Goal-oriented leadership.

What makes you proud to work in a company?

WHAT MAKES EMPLOYEES PROUD OF THEIR ORGANIZATIONS? Employees who feel a strong sense of personal accomplishment from their work are more proud of their organizations. BENEFITS. Employees who are satisfied with their employee benefits are more proud to work in their organizations.

How to answer why do you want to work at this company?

To impress the hiring manager, answer the question in two parts (as mentioned above). Describe why you want to work at both the company AND in the position you are interviewing for. But more importantly, research the company well and find out what skills and/or values they covet, and then tailor your answer to reflect these skills/values.

Why do hiring managers ask you why do you want to work here?

When hiring managers ask you, “Why do you want to work here?” They are trying to determine if you would fit in at the company and if you would add value to their existing team. An engaged employee that is aligned with the company’s mission and values will be more productive and stay at the company longer.

Why do you want to work for US interview?

So, what’re interviewers looking for when they ask the question, “Why do you want to work for us?” Well, they’re mainly looking for the following things: #1: Excitement About the Company, Its Mission, and Its Goals Interviewers want to see that you’re excited about the job and the company that you’ll be working for.

How to show that you want to work for a company?

Coming to the interview armed with specific examples of programs, initiatives, or even company culture hallmarks (such as participation in a company-wide softball league) that are exciting to you will help prove that you truly want the job.