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Are Mollies safe with bettas?
So when it comes to adding tank mates with your betta, mollies are a great choice. Some of the main things to remember when adding mollies and bettas together are: Mollies can grow up to 3 inches which is larger than bettas. Because of this, it’s not recommended to put them in tanks smaller than 20 gallons.
Can corys live with bettas?
As you can see Corydoras catfish and bettas make great tank mates. While bettas will stay at the top of your tank, for the most part, Corydoras’ will stick to the bottom. You should also make sure your betta and Corydoras’ are getting a mix of plants and meat as they’re both omnivores.
Why is my betta attacking my mollies?
The shrimp will be perfectly fine for him, but the molly is too much. He attacked the molly because he perceived it as invading his space. Also make sure that your betta tank is heated as they like temps between 78F and 82F.
What fish go with male bettas?
Suitable tank mates may include, Pygmy Corydoras, female Guppies as they are not usually brightly colored, Ember Tetra, and Harlequin Rasboras. All these fish are calm and more importantly are not fin nippers. Snails are also another good option. Nerite snails, and Mystery snails both do well with Bettas.
Are mollies fin nippers?
Mollies are common freshwater aquarium fish. They look a lot like a cross between a tetra and a fancy goldfish. There are two main varieties of mollies, short-fin and sailfin. More than one molly can be kept in a tank together, however, they have been known to nip the fins of others in their tank.
Is 2 Cory catfish enough?
Cory Catfish School Together: Cory Catfish are very social creatures, especially with others of their kind. While Cory Cats can survive alone, they seem much happier in a group of two or more. Two Cory Cats of the same type will often stay close to one another as they move throughout the tank to feed.
Can Cory catfish live with Mollies?
Mollies. Mollies are another species that will get along well in a tank with corydoras. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, and they are a very popular livebearer. They are often bred overseas in brackish water, however, and then just dumped into freshwater at the local fish store.
Are Mollies fin nippers?
What fish can I put with Mollies?
Molly fish can live with the following in the same tank:
- Platy.
- Siamese Fighting Fish.
- Neon Tetra.
- Goldfish.
- Angelfish.
- Southern Platyfish.
- Oscar.
- Suckermouth Catfish.
Is 5 gallons enough for a betta?
Five gallons is the best tank size for betta fish. Smaller tanks get dirty way too fast and don’t provide enough room for your fish to swim around. Really, putting your betta in any tank smaller than five gallons is not a great idea.
Are black mollies aggressive?
Black Mollies are generally a peaceful community fish, but multiple males kept in the same tank can become aggressive, and females which are outnumbered by males will tend to be harassed. It is often thought that Black Mollies are best served in Brackish waters, but that’s not the case at all.