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What does little leg mean?

What does little leg mean?

Yes, every English speaker knows the phrase “show a little leg” – it’s generally simply used literally or near-literally, to refer to, a female flirting. Yes, it absolutely means “tempt a desired reaction from the other”, not your other suggestion.

What does it mean to show some leg?

The phrase “show some leg” means to reveal some skin, usually as an inducement to get someone to do something, or to make yourself more attractive.

Where does the term show a leg come from?

Show a leg originated in the British Royal Navy around the turn of the 19th century. Sailors were roused from their hammocks by the call “Show (or shew) a leg”. The appearance of a leg indicated that the mariner was awake and ready to rise.

What does the term show a leg mean navy?

Many of our Navy’s colorful expressions originated as practical means of communicating vital information. One such expression is “show a leg.” In today’s Navy showing a leg is a signal to the reveille petty officer that you have heard his call and are awake.

Where did crack a smile come from?

When they were speaking to each other, if a woman began to stare at another woman’s face she was told “mind your own beeswax.” Should the woman smile, the wax would crack, hence the term “crack a smile.” Also, when they sat too close to the fire, the wax would melt and therefore the expression “losing face.”

Are your legs painted on saying?

‘Are your legs painted on’ means to hurry up and to go faster.

Why do sailors say 2 6?

It is widely believed to derive from the orders used in firing shipboard cannons in the British Royal Navy. After loading, it was the task of the men numbered two and six to heave (in a coordinated fashion) the cannon out the gunport for firing, using simple effort for a light cannon or a tackle apiece for larger ones.

What is a squid in the military?

1. Squid. (especially Marines) generally called sailors. The term refers to the aquatic animal and how it can swim fast in a straight line but similar to inexperienced motorcyclists, have trouble quickly changing directions.

Where did cost an arm and a leg come from?

After the American Civil War, Congress enacted a special pension for soldiers who had lost both an arm and a leg. The phrase “cost an arm and a leg” begins to crop up in newspaper archives in 1901, referring to accidents and war injuries.

Where does it cost an arm and a leg mean?

Definition of cost an arm and a leg informal. : to be too expensive I want a new car that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

What is T A mean?


Acronym Definition
T/A Training/Allowance
T/A Team Assistance
T/A Traction/Advantage (BF Goodrich)
T/A Table of Allowance

What does give an inch take a mile mean?

said to mean that if you do a small favour for someone, they will become greedy and ask you to do bigger and bigger favours for them and make you regret doing the first favour. Be tough and uncompromising – if you give colleagues an inch, they will take a mile.