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How many pounds of coffee do Americans drink per year?

How many pounds of coffee do Americans drink per year?

In the United States, annual consumption is about 4.4 kilograms or 9.7 lbs., making the U.S. only the 25th biggest consumer of coffee worldwide on a per-person basis. The average person in the U.S. consumes about three cups of coffee per day.

How many pounds of coffee are used each year?

Twelve billion pounds of coffee is consumed around the globe annually, and the United States alone has over 130 million coffee drinkers.

How much coffee does the US drink?

400 million cups
Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world. On an average, 250 Cups of espresso and coffee drinks are sold per day at almost any espresso drive-thru business with a great visible location.

How many cups of coffee are consumed in a year?

400 billion cups
Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide (after water) with over 400 billion cups consumed each year.

How much does the average American spend on coffee per year?

While all genders enjoy their java, women tend to spend more than men, on average in the United States. The Perfect Brew reports that women spend about $2,327 per year on their coffee habit, while men spend almost $400 less, at $1,934 per year.

Which states drink the most coffee?

On average New Mexico residents drink 2.4 cups of coffee a day- more than anywhere else. 48% of Mississippians drink a soda or sugary juice every day. The least caffeinated state is Delaware….All states, from most caffeinated to least.

Rank Stat
1 Vermont
2 Arizona
2 Colorado
2 New Mexico

What country drinks most coffee?

2. Who drinks the most? When it comes to coffee consumption, only two nations top more than 10kg per person per year – Finland and Sweden, according to statistics from the International Coffee Organization. The Finnish drink the most coffee every year, at 12.5kg each.

Which country drinks most coffee?

The Countries That Drink The Most Coffee

  • Finland – 26.5 lbs.
  • Norway – 21.8 lbs.
  • Iceland – 19.8 lbs.
  • Denmark – 19.18 lbs.
  • Netherlands – 18.5 lbs.
  • Sweden – 18 lbs.
  • Switzerland – 17.4 lbs.
  • Belgium – 14.9 lbs.

What age group drinks the most coffee?

In 2020, people aged 70 and over drank about 2.18 cups of coffee per capita in the United States, making it the age group that drank the most coffee on average that year. U.S. coffee consumption for respondents between the ages of 25 and 29 stood at roughly 2.15 cups a day.

What race drinks the most coffee?

Research shows that more women drink coffee than men, and Hispanics are the largest coffee-consuming ethnic group in the United States.