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What is a lahar?

What is a lahar?

Lahar is an Indonesian term that describes a hot or cold mixture of water and rock fragments that flows down the slopes of a volcano and typically enters a river valley.

What is lahar composed of?

A lahar ( /ˈlɑːhɑːr/) is a type of mudflow or debris flow composed of a slurry of pyroclastic material, rocky debris, and water. The material flows down from a volcano, typically along a river valley.

What is a lahar simple definition?

Definition: A lahar is a hot or cold mixture of water and rock fragments that flow quickly down the slopes of a volcano. They move up to 40 miles per hour through valleys and stream channels, extending more than 50 miles from the volcano.

What are the types of lahar?


  • Clast.
  • Debris Flow.
  • Lava Flow.
  • Pyroclastic Flow.
  • Tephra.
  • Lava.
  • Crater.
  • Volcano.

What is an example of a lahar?

LAHAR GENERATION The majority are produced by intense rainfall during or after an eruption. A tragic example of such an event was the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, which was contemporaneous with the arrival of a major hurricane.

Is lahar a volcanic mudflow?

Lahar is an Indonesian word describing a mudflow or debris flow that originates on the slopes of a volcano. Small debris flows are common in the Cascades, where they form during periods of heavy rainfall, rapid snow melt, and by shallow landsliding.

What are the characteristics of lahar?

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Lahar is an Indonesian term for a volcanic mudflow. These lethal mixtures of water and tephra have the consistency of wet concrete, yet they can flow down the slopes of volcanoes or down river valleys at rapid speeds, similar to fast-moving streams of water.

What is the difference between lahar and lava?

Everything in the path of an advancing lava flow will be knocked over, surrounded, or buried by lava, or ignited by the extremely hot temperature of lava. When lava erupts beneath a glacier or flows over snow and ice, meltwater from the ice and snow can result in far-reaching lahars.

What is lahar lava?

Lahar is an Indonesian term for a volcanic mudflow. These lethal mixtures of water and tephra have the consistency of wet concrete, yet they can flow down the slopes of volcanoes or down river valleys at rapid speeds, similar to fast-moving streams of water.

Can you outrun a lahar?

A lahar moving down a channel near Santiaguito in Guatemala in 1989. They are thick like concrete but can move in a channel at speeds up to 30 mph (67 km/hr) depending on the steepness of the slopes, so you aren’t outrunning or even outsprinting a lahar.