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What was Rousseau interested in?
Rousseau continued his interest in music. He wrote both the words and music of his opera Le devin du village (The Village Soothsayer), which was performed for King Louis XV in 1752. The king was so pleased by the work that he offered Rousseau a lifelong pension.
What was Rousseau passionate about?
JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU. A philosopher who wrote with passionate eloquence about the heart and the human condition. The thinkers who matter are those whom the world can’t agree about, and usually the more a writer, philosopher or artist polarizes opinion, the better for all of us.
What inspired Rousseau?
Rousseau may well have received the inspiration for that belief from Mme de Warens; for although she had become a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church, she retained—and transmitted to Rousseau—much of the sentimental optimism about human purity that she had herself absorbed as a child from the mystical Protestant …
Was Rousseau a totalitarian?
It is this character of totalitarianism, this radically new relation of human association and the state, which makes profitable the study of Rousseau as an intellectual ante- cedent of totalitarian ideology.
How are Rousseau ideas used today?
Rousseau’s notions about natural human kindness and the emotional foundations of ethics still furnish the core of today’s moral outlook, and much of modern political philosophy likewise builds on the foundation of Rousseau’s On Social Contract (1762).
What was the main idea of Rousseau social contract?
Rousseau’s central argument in The Social Contract is that government attains its right to exist and to govern by “the consent of the governed.” Today this may not seem too extreme an idea, but it was a radical position when The Social Contract was published.
What is life like in the state of nature Rousseau?
It is bereft of the dogmas and modern conventions that characterize a modern society. Against Hobbes, Rousseau said that in the state of nature, people were innocent and were absolutely free and led a contended life. People never faced war and had minimum desires that were compatible with their survival needs.
What were Rousseau’s main ideas about society and the social contract?
These analyses contend that Rousseau is an authoritarian philosopher, whether he intended to be one or not. All of these aspects are necessary to maintain an authoritarian society, and Rousseau lends support to them at places in his works, primarily in the Social Contract and Discourse on Political Economy.
How is Rousseau a precursor to totalitarianism?
Why Rousseau is called a totalitarian thinker is quite manifest in his observation he makes in Chapter VI (The Limits of the Sovereign Power); “If the state is a moral person whose life is in the union of its members, and if the most important of its cares is the care for its own preservation, it must have a universal …