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What are multiples and submultiples meters?

What are multiples and submultiples meters?

Regular prefixes

Multiples of the metre Submultiples of the metre
1000 m = 1 km = 103 m (kilometre) 0.001 m = 1 mm =10-3 m (millimetre)
1000 km = 1 Mm =106 m (megametre) 0.001 mm = 1 μm =10-6 m (micrometre)
1000 Mm = 1 Gm =109 m (gigametre) 0.001 μm = 1 nm =10-9 m (nanometre)

What are the Submultiples in physics?

Measurement unit obtained by dividing a given measurement unit by an integer greater than one.

What are multiples and submultiples of temperature?

A multiple unit is a larger quantity than the base unit and a sub multiple unit is a smaller quantity unit than a base unit. Temperature-Its SI unit is Kelvin and it is purely a mathematical relationship between temperature scales, there are no multiples or sub multiples. Degree Celsius can be converted into Kelvin.

What are the multiples and submultiples of mass?

Multiple units: Mega gram , Giga Gram ,Stone , Ton , Quintal , etc. Used for measuring heavy weights like lorries,flats etc. Submultiple units:Gram , Centigram , Decigram , Milligram , Nanogram , Microgram , etc. Used for measuring very light weights like bacteria , pins etc.

What is the Submultiples of kilogram?

Submultiples of kilogram are decagram ,centigram etc. And multiples of kilogram is megagram(1 tonne) , gigagram etc.

What is the relationship between multiples and submultiples?

Multiples are factors used to create larger forms whereas submultiples are factors used to create smaller forms of the SI units. For example, A centimeter is a submultiple and kilometer is a multiple of a meter.

What are multiples of unit?

Decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units

Multiple Prefix Symbol
109 giga G
106 mega M
103 kilo k
102 hecto h

What are the multiples and submultiples of length?

Multiples are the units of measurements which are bigger than the meter. They are the decameter, hectometer, and the kilometer. There are more, but right now we are only going to look at these. Submultiples are the units of measurement which are smaller than the meter.

What are the multiples and submultiples of area?

What is multiples and submultiples of kilogram?

Answer: Submultiples of kilogram are decagram ,centigram etc. And multiples of kilogram is megagram(1 tonne) , gigagram etc.

What are the Submultiples of second?

SI multiples

Value SI symbol Name
10−1 s ds decisecond
10−2 s cs centisecond
10−3 s ms millisecond

What is the need of multiples and submultiples?

Sometimes the size of the SI unit is either too small or too big to measure a certain quantity. For example a metre is too small a unit to measure the distance between two cities and too big a unit to measure the thickness of a wire. Hence multiples and submultiples of units are required.