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How was the volcanoes formed?

How was the volcanoes formed?

A volcano is formed when hot molten rock, ash and gases escape from an opening in the Earth’s surface. The molten rock and ash solidify as they cool, forming the distinctive volcano shape shown here. As a volcano erupts, it spills lava that flows downslope. Hot ash and gases are thrown into the air.

How old are volcanoes?

Most volcanoes are 10,000 to 100,000 years old — it takes time for them to grow big.

What is the first volcano to erupt?

Etna in Italy is sometimes called the oldest active volcano because it has the longest historic record of eruptions. It has erupted 190 times in the last 3,500 years. This is a bit misleading, however, because it was already an old volcano when the first recorded eruption occurred in 1,500 BC.

How does a volcano work step by step?

Magma is lighter than rock so rises towards the Earth’s surface. As the magma rises, bubbles of gas form inside it. Runny magma erupts through openings or vents in the earth’s crust before flowing onto its surface as lava. If magma is thick, gas bubbles cannot easily escape and pressure builds up as the magma rises.

What are the 3 stages of a volcano?

There are three stages of a volcano: active, dormant, and extinct.

  • Active—A volcano is active if it is erupting, or may erupt soon.
  • Dormant—A dormant volcano is one that may have erupted before, but it is no longer erupting.
  • Extinct—An extinct volcano is not erupting and will never erupt again.

What are the 4 stages of a volcano?

Terms in this set (5)

  • active. A volcano that has had at least 1 eruption in the past 10,000 years.
  • erupting. Active volcano that is having an eruption right now (live)
  • Dormant. (sleeping) Active volcano that is not erupting but is supposed to erupt again.
  • Extinct.
  • active, erupting, dormant, extinct.