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What causes striae gravidarum in pregnancy?

What causes striae gravidarum in pregnancy?

Striae gravidarum (stretch marks) occur in approximately 50% to 90% of pregnant women because of the separation of underlying connective tissue as the uterus enlarges within the abdominal cavity. Dermal collagen is damaged and blood vessels dilate, resulting in the formation of reddish-purple early stretch marks.

What causes stria?

Striae are caused by tearing of the dermis during periods of rapid growth of the body, such as during puberty or pregnancy, in which they usually form during the last trimester. Usually on the stomach, these striae also commonly occur on the breasts, thighs, hips, lower back, and buttocks.

What is the significance of striae gravidarum?

Striae gravidarum (SG) are atrophic linear scars that represent one of the most common connective tissue changes during pregnancy. SG can cause emotional and psychological distress for many women.

What hormone causes striae in pregnancy?

It has been postulated that some hormones, like estrogen, relaxin, and adrenocortical hormones, decrease the adhesiveness between collagen fibers and increase ground substance, which results in the formation of striae in areas of stretching.

Is striae gravidarum permanent?

Striae gravidarum are common during the first pregnancy [8] and usually present during the third trimester [9]. Striae start as ‘reddish slightly depressed streaks’ [9] (p. 111) and fade gradually [8] to leave pale wrinkled lines [10], which are permanent skin changes [11, 12] .

How can I prevent striae during pregnancy?

  1. Control your weight. One of the most helpful things you can do to prevent stretch marks, whether you’re pregnant or not, is to maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Stay hydrated.
  3. Eat a nutrient-rich diet.
  4. Include vitamin C in your diet.
  5. Soak up some vitamin D.
  6. Eat foods rich in zinc.
  7. Treat fresh stretch marks when they appear.

Do stretch marks on breasts mean they are growing?

Sudden weight fluctuation, including pregnancy and growth spurts, can cause breast stretch marks. Weight gain is associated with increased fat and connective tissue, which causes breast size to grow and leads to the development of stretch marks.

What is striae rubra?

Striae rubra are the earliest presentation of striae distensae and are characterized by an erythematous to violaceous color (picture 1A-C). Over time, striae rubra evolve into striae alba, which appear hypopigmented, atrophic, and scar-like (picture 2A-B).

When does striae gravidarum disappear?