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How do you increase yam production?

How do you increase yam production?

Some approaches to producing quality seed of yam are as follows: farmers select small whole tubers from a ware crop harvest; stimulate the production of seed tubers by ‘milking’ ware tubers while the leaves of the plant are still green (double harvest system); cut ware tubers into setts about the same sizes as regular …

How do you succeed in yam farming?

Dust or dip your yam setts and seed yams in insecticides or biopesticides like wood ash and/or neem extracts. Planting should commence when rainfall is steady and the soil is adequately soaked. Planting when the rains are not steady requires mulching the heaps to avoid drying and spoilage of planted seed yams.

What is the method of propagation of yam?

Propagation Yams are propagated vegetatively from small tubers. Land should be prepared for planting by plowing and harrowing. Tubers should be planted in trenches to a depth of 15 cm (6 in) allowing at least 30 cm (12 in) between individual plants and 1.5 m (5 ft) between rows.

Why is staking necessary in yam production?

Staking is essentially important in a crop husbandry for many agronomic reasons, which includes the following: To allow for maximum sunlight interception for plant photosynthesis, thus to obtain high yielding tubers.

What is yam Minisett technology?

Yam minisett technology provides seed yams rapidly. It is designed to alleviate the problem of seed yams scarcity, which has been identified as a major constraint to increased yam production. This study examined the adoption of the technology by farmers in Delta State, Nigeria.

What is yam production?

The yam is an important food crop, especially in the so-called ‘yam zone’ of West Africa: total world production is about 19 million tonnes per annum, some 70 per cent of it grown in Nigeria. Although regarded as mainly a source of carbohydrate, some species are nearly as rich in protein as rice or maize.

How do you cure yams before planting?

  1. Before planting, treat seed tubers (mini-sets or small tubers) with a mixed solution of insecticide, fungicide and nematicide prepared as follows:
  2. Dip seed tubers into this solution for 2 to 3 minutes, and then leave them in a shaded place (e.g. under a tree) for 18 to 24 hours to allow the cut surface to dry.

How do you prepare yam seeds for planting?

Propagating Yams in Three Steps

  1. Step 1: Divide the Yam. To propagate yams from minisetts, get a fresh yam and cut it into pieces while ensuring you have a good piece of skin on each one from which the new growth will emerge.
  2. Step 2: Dip the Pieces in Ashes.
  3. Step 3: Plant Your Yams.

What are the advantages of staking?

Staking keeps tomatoes off the ground. That makes it more difficult for pests to attack plants and keeps fruit from rotting as easily. Better air circulation. By staking, you allow air to move in and around branches, which keeps diseases from spreading.

How staking of certain crops help in producing quality yield?

Exposure to sunlight And for such crops, staking exposes a greater part of the leaves’ surface to sunlight which they need to generate energy and grow well. The staking helps to your crops to get a better growth and good health.

What are the uses of yam?

Here are 11 health and nutrition benefits of yams.

  • Packed with nutrition. Yams are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • May enhance brain function.
  • May ease symptoms of menopause.
  • May have cancer-fighting properties.
  • May reduce inflammation.
  • May improve blood sugar control.
  • Easy to add to your diet.

What is Minisett technology?

Yam minisett technology provides seed yams rapidly. It is designed to alleviate the problem of seed yams scarcity, which has been identified as a major constraint to increased yam production.