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Are catfish aggressive to goldfish?

Are catfish aggressive to goldfish?

Generally, cory catfish don’t make very good goldfish tank mates, but the banded corydoras is an exception. These freshwater fish are big enough not to become goldfish food. They also happen to be a delight in larger communities!

What other fish can live with goldfish in a pond?

List of the Best Goldfish Pond Mates

  • 1) Koi (Cyprinus rubrofuscus)
  • 2) Rosy red minnow (Pimephales promelas)
  • 3) Orfe (Leuciscus idus)
  • 4) Bristlenose pleco (Ancistrus cirrhosus)
  • 5) Weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
  • 6) Longfin rosy barb (Pethia conchonius)
  • 7) White Cloud Mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes)

Can you put a Pictus catfish with goldfish?

Pictus catfish and goldfish are two interesting species that many fish owners try to keep together. However, I would not really recommend keeping them together, and for many reasons. They are so active that they might even stress out the goldfish in your tank. …

Can Platies live with goldfish?

Though it might seem strange to recommend a small livebearer for a goldfish tank, Platies are chunky enough to avoid being eaten. They’re also placid and unlikely to nip at your goldfish. Pros of keeping Platy Fish with goldfish: ☑ Platy Fish are peaceful, so very unlikely to nip at your goldfish.

Can small catfish live with goldfish?

Cory catfish generally aren’t a good idea for goldfish tanks because they’re small enough to fit into a goldfish’s mouth and often have spines in their fins. Yes, they also have spines on their pectoral and dorsal fins, but we haven’t found them to be an issue since they’re too big to be seen as food by goldfish.

What fish can go with catfish?

Fish That Live Well Together

  • Catfish.
  • Corys.
  • Danios.
  • Gouramis.
  • Guppies.
  • Loaches.
  • Mollies.
  • Platies.

Can I put guppies with goldfish?

The answer is YES, guppies and Goldfish can coexist together. However, bigger goldfish have the capability of eating the smaller guppy fish. That said, you should beware of what type of goldfish you choose to keep with your guppies.

Can goldfish live with neon tetras?

Yes, tetras may get along with goldfish, just as they would with some other fish species, but the goldfish can make the water too dirty for them, and big goldfish eat tetras up too. So, while tetras get along with goldfish, goldfish don’t get along with tetras, it’s that simple!

Do goldfish eat Tetras?

Can you put Bristlenose catfish with goldfish?

Pleco bristlenose can be housed with comet goldfish, too; they can serve as algae-eating fish, cleaning up the tank debris, as well as just a basic tank mate to your comets.

What fish goes with goldfish?

With these ground rules in mind, here are our top 10 tank mates that we have personally tested and found to be compatible with goldfish:

  • Hillstream Loach.
  • Brochis multiradiatus.
  • Dojo Loach.
  • Bristlenose Pleco.
  • Rubbernose Pleco.
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnows.
  • Ricefish.
  • Hoplo Catfish.