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What are the disadvantage of contiguous memory allocation scheme?

What are the disadvantage of contiguous memory allocation scheme?

The main disadvantage of contiguous memory allocation is memory wastage and inflexibility. As the memory is allocated to a file or a process keeping in mind that it will grow during the run. But until a process or a file grows many blocks allocated to it remains unutilized.

What are the advantages of noncontiguous memory allocation schemes?

Paging and Segmentation are the two ways which allow a process’s physical address space to be non-contiguous. It has advantage of reducing memory wastage but it increases the overheads due to address translation.

Which of the following are disadvantages of contiguous allocation?

Disadvantages of Contiguous allocation In the contiguous allocation method, sometimes disk can be fragmented. In this method, it is difficult to increase the size of the file due to the availability of the contiguous memory block.

What are the disadvantages of linked allocation?


  • Because the file blocks are distributed randomly on the disk, a large number of seeks are needed to access every block individually. This makes linked allocation slower.
  • It does not support random or direct access.
  • Pointers required in the linked allocation incur some extra overhead.

What is the difference between contiguous and non contiguous memory?

Contiguous memory allocation allocates consecutive blocks of memory to a file/process. Non-Contiguous memory allocation allocates separate blocks of memory to a file/process.

How can you overcome the drawbacks of contiguous memory allocation?

Variable-size Partition Scheme This scheme is also known as Dynamic partitioning and is came into existence to overcome the drawback i.e internal fragmentation that is caused by Static partitioning. In this partitioning, scheme allocation is done dynamically. The size of the partition is not declared initially.

What is the disadvantage of variable partitioning?

Implementing variable Partitioning is difficult as compared to Fixed Partitioning as it involves allocation of memory during run-time rather than during system configure. External Fragmentation: There will be external fragmentation inspite of absence of internal fragmentation.

What do you mean by noncontiguous files?

Non-Contiguous memory allocation allocates separate blocks of memory to a file/process. 2. Faster in Execution. Slower in Execution. Both Internal fragmentation and external fragmentation occurs in Contiguous memory allocation method.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contiguous allocation?

Advantages: 1) This Memory allocation provides the direct and easy access. 3) In case of contiguous memory allocation the good performance remains a positive factor. Disadvantages: 1) For new files it is very difficult to find the spaces here.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of linked allocation?

Linked List allocation solves all problems of contiguous allocation….Disadvantages

  • Random Access is not provided.
  • Pointers require some space in the disk blocks.
  • Any of the pointers in the linked list must not be broken otherwise the file will get corrupted.
  • Need to traverse each block.

What is the major disadvantage with a linked allocation Mcq?

there is no sequential access.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contiguous and non contiguous memory allocation?