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What is the main source of food for whales?

What is the main source of food for whales?

All of them feed on krill, but sometimes include other sea creatures in their diets, such as copepod crustaceans and small fish. Humpback and Bryde’s whales also actively hunt for small schooling fish such as herring and anchovies.

Do whales feed on plankton?

Food Preferences and Resources In general, baleen whales feed low on the food chain, primarily eating zooplankton and small fishes, which they encounter in large swarms or schools. Right whales eat zooplankton (animal plankton).

What is the primary food source for humpback whales?

Humpback whales feed on shrimp-like crustaceans (krill) and small fish, straining huge volumes of ocean water through their baleen plates, which act like a sieve. The humpback whale gets its common name from the distinctive hump on its back.

Why do whales consume plankton?

Food webs are often pretty short, which confused many scientists for a long time. Ever wonder why such a large whale feeds on such small planktonic organisms, such as krill? However, the primary means for determining what marine organisms eat is to study their stomach contents, which is exactly what Reilly et al.

How much plankton does a whale eat?

An average-sized blue whale will eat 2,000-9,000 pounds (900-4100 kg) of plankton each day during the summer feeding season in cold, arctic waters ( about 120 days).

How do whales survive on plankton?

This is how whales can easily eat a few tons of krill every day. In a nutshell, whales, some of the largest creatures on the planet, can survive by eating krill because they eat so many of them. To put this in perspective, consider a single grain of rice, which is positively puny in comparison to a human.

How many plankton does a whale eat?

How do blue whales survive on plankton?

In a nutshell, whales, some of the largest creatures on the planet, can survive by eating krill because they eat so many of them.

What is krill and plankton?

Krill are species of crustacean related to shrimp, and serve as a very important link in the food chain of the sea. Plankton consist of a larger group of organisms with much more variety, including bacteria, algae, protozoans, jellyfish and some species of cephalopods.

How much plankton does a whale eat every day?

The blue whale, the world’s largest animal, can consume up to 16 tons of plankton daily, which has major implications for ocean health. Humpback whales (pictured, an animal off California) excrete huge amounts of iron-rich feces that’s vital to the ocean’s nutrient cycle.

How much plankton do whales eat?

Are whales top of the food chain?

Killer Whales When you think of top ocean predators, you probably think of sharks. Killer whales are apex predators, which means they have no natural predators. They hunt in packs, much like wolves, which are also at the top of their food chain.