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What is the reagent used in WBC count?

What is the reagent used in WBC count?

Türk’s solution is a hematological stain (crystal violet or aqueous methylene blue) in 1-2% acetic acid and distilled water. The solution destroys the RBCs and platelets within a blood sample, and stains the nuclei of the white blood cells, making them easier to see and count.

How do you make WBC fluid?

WBC diluting fluid Distilled water 98 ml Gentian violet, 1% w/v* 2 ml 1. Fill a 100 ml cylinder to the 98 ml mark with distilled water. 2. Add 2 ml concentrated (glacial) acetic acid and mix.

Which fluid is used for WBC count?

Normal saline should be used to make dilutions for total cell counts. Diluting fluids for WBC counts include: crystal violet/acetic acid.

Why glacial acetic acid is used in WBC count?

WBC diluting fluid is used for perfoming the WBC (Leucocyte) count. Glacial acetic acid lyses the red cells. The blood specimen is diluted 1:20 in a WBC pipette with the diluting fluid and the cells are counted under low power of the microscope by using a counting chamber.

What do granules contain?

Primary granules contain cationic proteins and defensins that are used to kill bacteria, proteolytic enzymes and cathepsin G to break down (bacterial) proteins, lysozyme to break down bacterial cell walls, and myeloperoxidase (used to generate toxic bacteria-killing substances).

What is the purpose of WBC diluent?

The diluent contains an agent (glacial acetic acid) which lyses the red cells, allowing a proper count of white cells.

What does WBC diluting fluid do?

WBC diluting fluid is used for performing the WBC (Leucocyte) count. Glacial acetic acid lyses the red cells. Gentian violet slightly stains the nuclei of the leucocytes.

Which leukocyte releases histamine and heparin?

Basophils contain anticoagulant heparin, which prevents blood from clotting too quickly. They also contain the vasodilator histamine, which promotes blood flow to tissues.

What is the main characteristic or consideration in choosing diluting fluid for WBC count?

Dilutions should be based on the turbidity of the fluid or on the number of cells seen on the hemacytometer when using an undiluted sample. A WBC count of approximately 200/mm3 or an RBC count of approximately 400/mm3 causes a fluid to be slightly hazy.

What is the name of RBC diluting fluid?

Dacie’s (RBC Diluting) Fluid.

Why do we perform manual WBC count?

The manual differential white blood cell count is performed to determine the relative number of each type of white blood cell present in the blood. A study of red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet morphology is also performed.

What are granules used for?

Granules contain one or more active substances with or without excipients and, if necessary, suitable colouring and flavouring substances. They are mainly used for low-toxicity, high-dose drugs.