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Where can I find my answers?

Where can I find my answers?

13 Best Sites to Get Your Questions Answered!

  • Answerbag. You can find answers to various questions from different categories on Answerbag You may ask questions on any topic but will need to register to do so.
  • Yahoo! Answers.
  • Blurt it.
  • WikiAnswers.
  • FunAdvice.
  • Askville.
  • Friendfeed.

How do you find the answer within yourself?

5 Steps to Finding the Answers Within

  1. Take some time out to connect with yourself. Turn off your phone, computer and TV, and allow yourself time to just be.
  2. Take some deep breaths and quiet your mind.
  3. Connect with your deeper self.
  4. Ask questions and allow the answers to come into your awareness.
  5. Trust and practice.

How do I scan questions and get answers on Google?

In Google Search Search for a place. Scroll down to the “Questions & answers” section. Under “Questions & answers,” tap See questions. Next to the question, tap Answer.

How do I get Google to answer?

How to find answers on Google Forms

  1. Open your Google Form.
  2. Click on “Responses.”
  3. After you’ve opened the Responses tab, you will be able to view answers in three different ways: “Summary,” “Question,” and “Individual.”
  4. Click on the “Summary” tab to view a summary of all answers submitted to your Google Form.

How do you look into yourself?

Looking within yourself means being accountable for yourself so that when someone says otherwise, you’ve already come face-to-face with the aspects that need improvement. To look within means you’re willing to embrace both the best and worst aspects of yourself if it means accepting who you truly are in this life.

How do I go deep in myself?

Today, I’m sharing 10 ways to help you connect to yourself on a deeper level.

  1. Check in with yourself regularly. How often do you check in with yourself?
  2. Find silence.
  3. Focus on your breath.
  4. Feel all the feelings.
  5. Try automatic writing.
  6. Create a morning ritual.
  7. Become aware of your thoughts.
  8. Move your body.