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What are some good attendance questions?

What are some good attendance questions?

Middle and High School

  • If you had one extra hour of free time every day, how would you spend it?
  • If you could see into the future, would you?
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside?
  • Where would you like to be in 10 years?
  • What is one thing on your “bucket list” you want to do before you finish high school?

What are good team building questions?

Values and Sense-of-Purpose Questions for Team Building

  • Which living person do you admire most?
  • What is your dream job?
  • If you could swap jobs with anyone for a day, who would it be?
  • What would you do with fifteen minutes of fame?
  • What one thing do you own that you wish you didn’t?
  • What is your biggest addiction?

What are some fun questions to ask students?

Icebreaker questions for high school students

  • What’s the best piece of advice someone has given you?
  • If money was no object, where would you choose to live?
  • What’s the strangest career you’ve ever heard of?
  • What’s one book you read that had a big impact on you, and why?

What are some unique icebreaker questions?

Funny Icebreaker Questions

  • What “old person” things do you do?
  • How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse?
  • Who is your favorite cartoon character?
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • What are your favorite songs from your teenage years that you still rock out to when nobody else is listening?

What is an attendance question?

The attendance question gets students to pay attention through inviting them to stretch their minds toward a question which has no right answer. When we take attendance, we are essentially asking each student, “Are you here?” But are students actually present when their minds are elsewhere?

What are good questions to ask high schoolers?

  • When your homework gets hard for you, what do you do?
  • What five words describe you best?
  • What is the most challenging part of school for you?
  • What is the most fun part of school for you?
  • Let’s pretend you get famous.
  • What is the best school assignment you’ve ever had?
  • Think about a teacher you really liked.

What are icebreaker questions?

What are icebreaker questions? Icebreaker questions are thought-provoking questions you can use to encourage people to talk, so you can get to know them better. These questions can be used in most work or social situations where a fun, light-hearted conversation is appropriate.

What’s a good question of the day?

75 Fun Questions of the Day

  • What’s the best thing you’ve got going on in your life at the moment?
  • In the seconds before you die, you are allowed to know everyone who was secretly in love with you at some point.
  • In 10 years time, will you be proud of what you are doing now?
  • What does your inner voice tell you?

What is a good ice breaker question for work?

100 Icebreaker Questions For Work

  • What is one important skill that you think everyone should have?
  • There are now 25 hours in a day!
  • What was the most fun thing you did last weekend?
  • What is one thing you are looking forward to doing when you retire?
  • What is one of your greatest achievements?

How do you ask for attendance?

Respected, I was present in ____________ (mention period) on __/__/___ (date) but I have not received attendance for the mentioned period which is affecting my overall performance. Therefore, it is to request you to kindly look into the same and do the needful. I believe you would consider this as a genuine request.

What is 21 questions the game?

The purpose of the game is to ask someone (solo, or a member of a group) 21 questions, all of which must be answered honestly. Although it can be played with friends you’ve had for a while, it is usually best to choose someone you don’t know as well, or someone you want to get to know on a deeper level.