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Are Gold Bond Stamp books worth anything?

Are Gold Bond Stamp books worth anything?

Unfortunately no, but Gold Bond stamps may still be worth something to collectors. Prices range from $1.75 for trading stamps to $1,995.00 for a mint five-foot metal sign for Gold Bond stamps.

What can you do with Gold Bond stamps?

Organize your Gold Bond Stamps into Gold Bond booklets if they’re loose. Call the Gold Bond Stamp mail order department at 1-800-625-1331 to make sure the stamps are still being accepted and to determine the value of your stamps. Request a merchandise catalog if it’s determined that your stamps can be redeemed.

What are Texas gold stamps?

Texas Gold Stamps were a spin-off of S & H Green Stamps. They were issued by the HEB (that stands for Howard Edward Butt) Supermarket in Texas. Like everything else in Texas, they were bolder and brighter than mainstream Green Stamps.

Who gave top value stamps?

Top Value Stamps, acquired by Tom Ficara in 1990 and now a division of TVS Television Network, and S&H are the only two surviving legacy stamp programs.

Do Blue Chip Stamps have any value?

Blue Chip stamps can no longer be redeemed; however, they are often auctioned off as collectible items. The Blue Chip Stamp sign used to be hung at stores that participated. The Blue Chip Savings Books could be taken to any of the Blue Chip redemption stores to be redeemed for merchandise.

What are gold stamps?

Stamps are markings on your pieces. On rings, the markings are often on the inside of the ring, and on chains, the mark is often on the clasp or right next to the clasp. By law, gold jewelry sold by a vendor must have a stamp of the piece’s purity, so finding a stamp is a good sign!

Who gave goldbond stamps?

Curt Carlson
While S&H continued to expand, mostly in the eastern states, a seemingly fool-hearty 23-year-old in Minneapolis named Curt Carlson borrowed $50 in 1938, printed up his own stamps and convinced a few local merchants to give out what he called Gold Bond Stamps.

What store gave out top value stamps?

Grocers, drug stores, and gas stations posted signage outside to denote which type of saving stamps were offered. Locally, Top Value stamps were available at Kroger’s supermarkets. Savings stamp programs began in the 1950’s as an incentive program for shoppers to purchase goods with cash, instead of store credit.

Can you still use green stamps?

Green stamps were available from a wide variety of retailers, including local department stores, supermarkets, and even gas stations. S&H Green Stamps do have some value as collectibles, but you can’t redeem them for goods anymore.

Can I still redeem Blue Chip Stamps?

What would you buy with Blue Chip Stamps?

The stamps were dispensed by machines adjacent to the cash register. The customer would paste the stamps (which could be moistened like postage stamps) into books. The books could then be taken to a redemption center and redeemed for merchandise, such as lawn furniture, dining tables, tableware, and many other items.