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Who was the king in Number the Stars?

Who was the king in Number the Stars?

King Christian X
Lowry goes on to outline some of the historical facts Number the Stars centers around. King Christian X was the king of Denmark when it was taken over by Germany in 1940. The country was too small to fight back without losing many people. Soldiers were all over Copenhagen.

What are all the characters in Number the Stars?

Annemarie Johansen
Mrs. JohansenKirsten JohansenEllen RosenPeter Neilsen
Number the Stars/Characters

Is there a movie on Number the Stars?

I teach in fifth grade and we read Number the Stars about the Danish resistance in World War II. I wanted to be able to show the class a film version, but there is no film of the novel.

Who are the main characters in the story Number the Stars?

Character List

  • Annemarie Johansen. Annemarie is the protagonist of the story.
  • Ellen Rosen. Annemarie’s schoolmate and best friend, she is Jewish.
  • Mrs. Johansen.
  • Peter Neilsen.
  • Kirsten Johansen.
  • Henrik.
  • Mr.
  • Lise Johansen.

What was the name of King Christians horse in Number the Stars?

Each morning, he had come from the palace on his horse, Jubilee, and ridden alone through the streets of Copenhagen, greeting his people. Sometimes, when Annemarie was a little girl, her older sister, Lise, had taken her to stand on the sidewalk so that she could wave to King Christian.

What does Ellen Rosen look like?

Ellen Rosen is a short, stocky, dark-haired, ten-year-old Jewish girl. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark with her parents in the apartment above Annemarie’s apartment.

Who is the girl on the cover of Number the Stars?

Anna Caterina Johnson
In terms of the cover, Ms. Lowry says, “The girl on the jacket of Number the Stars is a Swedish girl named Anna Caterina Johnson. (She prefers being called Ann.) I photographed her when she was 10… She is now married with three children!”

What is Anne Marie’s favorite fairy tale?

Annemarie smiled and wrapped her arms around her little sister in the dark. All Danish children grew up familiar with fairy tales. Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous of the tale tellers, had been Danish himself. “Do you want the one about the little mermaid?” That one had always been Annemarie’s own favorite.