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How did the moa survive?

How did the moa survive?

Polynesians arrived sometime before 1300, and all moa genera were soon driven to extinction by hunting and, to a lesser extent, by habitat reduction due to forest clearance. By 1445, all moa had become extinct, along with Haast’s eagle, which had relied on them for food.

How did the moa adapt to its environment?

Flight was not required to escape predators, so birds such as the kiwi, takahē and (now extinct) moa adapted to these conditions by developing a large body size and loss of flight. The plumage of a kiwi enables them to blend with the undergrowth in the forest, preventing predators from detecting them by sight.

Do Moas have predators?

Moa are unique because they are the only bird known to have had absolutely no wings. However, the moa did have one predator to contend with – the world’s largest eagle, Haast’s eagle (Harpagornis moorei). This giant bird of prey had a wingspan of up to 3m, and it loved to eat the moa.

What is unique about the moa bird?

Interesting Moa Facts: Moa was able to reach 12 feet in height and up to 550 pounds of weight. It was one of the tallest birds that ever lived on the planet. Females were taller and heavier than males. Moa was covered with rough feathers that was brown or black in color.

How was the moa hunted?

According to Māori tradition, moa were swift runners that defended themselves by kicking when cornered. Early Polynesian peoples hunted moa for food and made spear points, hooks, and ornaments from their bones and water carriers from their eggs.

When did moa become extinct?

1445 AD
Moa likely became extinct sometime between 1440-1445 AD, according to a new study from University of Auckland and Landcare Research scientists.

How did the moa go extinct for kids?

The Māori arrived sometime before 1300, and all moa genera were soon driven to extinction by hunting and, to a lesser extent, by habitat reduction due to forest clearance. By 1445, all moa had become extinct, along with the Haast’s eagle which had relied on them for food.

What did moa taste like?

They’re also closely related to the emu, which famously tastes like beef. My scientific opinion is that the moa tasted a lot like a bird, and not very much like a chip.