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Which mineral is composed of calcium carbonate and is used in the construction of homes sidewalks bridges and skyscrapers?

Which mineral is composed of calcium carbonate and is used in the construction of homes sidewalks bridges and skyscrapers?

Limestone, as used by the minerals industry, is any rock composed mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

What mineral is used to make phosphate fertilizer and is found in soft drinks?

*Phosphate Phosphate rock is used to produce phosphoric acid for feed additives for livestock and a variety of phosphate chemicals for industrial and home consumers. Phosphoric acid also helps provide the “tingly” taste you experience when drinking many soft drinks.

What is used to make arrowheads spear points and knives?

Flintknapping is the making of flaked or chipped stone tools. This technology was used in historic times to manufacture gun flints and in prehistoric times to make spear and dart points, arrow heads, knives, scrapers, blades, gravers, perforators, and many other tools.

What is found in metal alloys for aircrafts as well as emeralds?

Beryllium was discovered in 1798 by the French chemist Louis Nicolas Vauquelin, who found it in the oxide form in beryl and a green-colored variety of beryl, emerald. Other beryllium alloys are used in high-speed aircrafts and missiles, as well as spacecraft and communication satellites.

Which mineral is used to make arrowheads spear points and knives may be used to start a fire?

Two derivatives of quartz, chert and flint stones are both microcrystalline quartz used in the tools and weapons (arrowheads, spear points) of the Native Americans.

What mineral is used in photography chemistry jewelry coins mirrors and silverware?

27 Cards in this Set

Hematite Primary ore of irons used to produce iron for steel.
Silver Used in photography chemissty coins mirrors
Mica May be ground up to add sparkle to paints and cosmetics
flint used to make arrowheads spear points and knives
Sulfur Used to make phosfate fertilizer and soft drinks

What material is used to make arrowheads?

Most arrowheads were made from various stones such as flints, obsidian, and chert; however, wooden and metallic ones have also been found. Native Americans made arrowheads using a chipping process called flint knapping.

What are the mineral uses?

Energy minerals include coal, oil, natural gas and uranium. Metals have a wide variety of uses. For example, iron (as steel) is used in cars or for frames of buildings, copper is used in electrical wiring, and aluminium is used in aircraft and to make drink cans. Precious metals are used in jewellery and mobile phones.

Why is calcite used in construction?

Modern construction uses calcite in the form of limestone and marble to produce cement and concrete. These materials are easily mixed, transported, and placed in the form of a slurry that will harden into a durable construction material.

What is fluorite composed of?

Pure fluorite (composed of fluorine and calcium) is colorless, and any colors visible are due to other minerals being present at the time the crystals formed. Fluorite specimens are highly prized by collectors and museums.

What mineral is used to make arrowheads?

The best stones for making arrowheads include flint, chert, obsidian, jasper, quartzite and other stones that are somewhat brittle and have a fine-grained, uniform texture that is free of cracks, fissures, and fractures. Glass and porcelain can also be used.