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Why do we need to extend the range of voltmeter?

Why do we need to extend the range of voltmeter?

Now let us learn about the extension of the measuring range of voltmeters. Due to difficulty in measuring high voltages with normal voltmeters, it is, therefore, necessary to bring those high values to normal values that can be measurable by voltmeters. This process is called the extension of range of voltmeter.

Can we increase or decrease the range of a given voltmeter?

The range of a given voltmeter can both be increased and decreased. has to be connected in series to the coil of the galvanometer. On the other hand, to decrease the range of the voltmeter, R has to be decreased. It can be done by putting a suitable resistance in parallel with the resistance .

What is range of voltmeter?

A voltmeter, also known as a voltage meter, is an instrument used for measuring the potential difference, or voltage, between two points in an electrical or electronic circuit. Practical laboratory voltmeters have maximum ranges of 1000 to 3000 volts (V).

What are the steps when measuring voltages?

Using voltmeters to measure voltage is a fundamental, everyday skill used by electrical engineers in lab.

  • Step 1: Plug in Cables. Get cables and plug them into the voltmeter sockets.
  • Step 2: Set Multimeter to Measure DC Voltage.
  • Step 3: Determine the Voltage to Measure.
  • Step 4: Place Cables and Read Voltmeter.

What is used to extend the range of voltmeter?

Extension of Range of Voltmeter by Multipliers. Multipliers are used for the range extension of voltmeters. The multiplier is a non-inductive high-value resistance connected in series with the instrument whose range is to be extended.

Which of the following can be used to increase range of a meter?

Detailed Solution. Shunts are used for the range extension of ammeters. A shunt is a low-value resistance having minimum temperature co-efficient. It is connected in parallel with the ammeter whose range is to be extended.

Can we increase and decrease the range of ammeter and voltmeter?

The range of ammeter can be increased but cannot be decreased. The reason is that a series resistor cannot change the current that will produce full deflection.

How can we increase the range of ammeter?

So to increase the range of ammeters we should have to connect low resistance in parallel so that equivalent resistance is lower hence to increase range of an ammeter we need to connect a suitable low resistance in parallel.

How do you find the range of a voltmeter?

This can be done by putting a suitable resistance in parallel with the voltmeter. The voltmeters are designed to give full-scale deflection when a certain amount of current passes through it. Series connected resistor will determine the range of the voltmeter and the scale is accordingly marked.

How do you increase the range of a 10 volt voltmeter?

Explanation: To increase the ranges of a voltmeter, we need to connect a high multiplier resistance in series with voltmeters. To increase the ranges of ammeter, we need to connect a small shunt resistance in parallel with ammeters. We can extend the range of ammeter by keeping a shunt resistance.