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How many people live in rural in Pakistan?

How many people live in rural in Pakistan?

Pakistan rural population for 2020 was 138,797,696, a 1.58% increase from 2019. Pakistan rural population for 2019 was 136,637,555, a 1.66% increase from 2018. Pakistan rural population for 2018 was 134,412,664, a 1.72% increase from 2017.

How many households are there in Pakistan?

32.21 million households
ISLAMABAD: There are 32.21 million households in Pakistan, bringing the average size of household to 6.45 persons, suggesting that the family size is shrinking in the country because of the rising share of people living independently as well as the declining fertility rate.

Who many percent Pakistan’s population lives in urban areas?

37.17 percent
Urbanization means the share of urban population in the total population of a country. In 2020, 37.17 percent of Pakistan’s total population lived in urban areas and cities.

How many percent Pakistan’s population lives in Sind?

Sindh is one of Pakistan’s four provinces, accounting for roughly one-quarter of the country’s population in less than 18% of its land area.

How many areas are there in Pakistan?

881,913 km²

What is population share of Punjab in Pakistan?

It was the first census taken in the country in the 21st century, nineteen years after the previous one in 1998, and it was carried out by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics….Results.

Administrative Unit Punjab
Population (1998) 73,621,290
Population (2017) 109,989,655
Percent Growth 49.4%
Annualized Growth 2.13%

What country has the highest rural population?

Rural population – Country Ranking

Rank Country Value
1 India 892,321,700.00
2 China 568,902,300.00
3 Pakistan 134,404,300.00
4 Indonesia 119,578,600.00

What’s considered rural?

According to the current delineation, released in 2012 and based on the 2010 decennial census, rural areas comprise open country and settlements with fewer than 2,500 residents. Urban areas comprise larger places and densely settled areas around them. Urban areas do not necessarily follow municipal boundaries.