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Which method is used to set label on the button?

Which method is used to set label on the button?

Button Class Methods

Sr. no. Method Description
1. void setText (String text) It sets the string message on the button
2. String getText() It fetches the String message on the button.
3. void setLabel (String label) It sets the label of button with the specified string.
4. String getLabel() It fetches the label of the button.

Which method is used to display text on a button in Java?

By default, we can create a JButton with a text and also can change the text of a JButton by input some text in the text field and click on the button, it will call the actionPerformed() method of ActionListener interface and set an updated text in a button by calling setText(textField.

Which method can get the text in a label?

setText() method can set or change the text in a Label – AWT and Swing.

What is the name of the method used to retrieve the label of a button in AWT?

The getLabel() method retrieves the current text of the label on the Button and returns it as a String. The setLabel() method changes the text of the label on the Button to label.

What is label Java?

A Label object is a component for placing text in a container. A label displays a single line of read-only text. The text can be changed by the application, but a user cannot edit it directly.

How do I get text from a button?

I can get the text from a button: String buttonText = button. getText();

Which method is used to change the text in a textField?

The following code creates and sets up the text field: textField = new JTextField(20);…The Text Field API.

Method Purpose
void setEditable(boolean) boolean isEditable() (defined in JTextComponent ) Sets or indicates whether the user can edit the text in the text field.

How many ways can we align the label in a container?

Answer is “3”

How do I change the text of a Jlabel?

To update the text in a label you use label. setText(“New text”) .

What is the name of the method used to get the timestamp of an event in AWT Actioneventclass?

Class methods

S.N. Method & Description
1 java.lang.String getActionCommand() Returns the command string associated with this action.
2 int getModifiers() Returns the modifier keys held down during this action event.
3 long getWhen() Returns the timestamp of when this event occurred.

What is the name of the method used to get the current font of an graphic in Java AWT graphics?

Through the current graphics context, call the method getGraphics(). getFontMetrics() to retrieve the FontMetrics for the current font. If a graphics context isn’t available, you can get a FontMetrics object from the default Toolkit by calling the method Toolkit.

How do labels work in Java?

Java does not have a goto statement. A label marks the statement that follows it. You can use it to break out of that statement, and only out of that statement. Control of flow will always transfer to the end of the labeled statement.