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What are the 5 scapular stabilizing muscles?

What are the 5 scapular stabilizing muscles?

The muscles that comprise the scapular stabilizers are the:

  • Serratus anterior– Which upwardly rotates the scapula.
  • Trapezius – Upper fibers that elevate and upwardly rotate the scapula.
  • Middle fibers – Adduct or retract the scapula.
  • Lower fibers – Which depress and rotate the scapula.
  • Levator Scapula and Rhomboids.

What are the four scapular movements?

The scapula is an important bone in the function of the shoulder joint. It engages in 6 types of motion, which allow for full-functional upper extremity movement including protraction, retraction, elevation, depression, upward rotation, and downward rotation.

What are the scapular retractors?

The two major scapular retractors15 are the middle trapezius and the rhomboids, but these two muscles vary somewhat in their actions. The middle fibres of the trapezius function as pure scapular retractors, whereas the rhomboids act both to retract the scapula and to rotate it to depress the glenoid fossa.

What are scapular retractions good for?

It’s a movement that focuses on improving the integrity and strength of your shoulder blades. Apart from everything else, it helps improve your posture, making it a crucial movement for everyone to get right.

What is scapular stability?

Why scapular stability is important The muscles of your shoulder and scapula (shoulder blade) act together to create all movements of the arm. Having a strong, stable, and well moving scapula is important for all baseball, basketball, swimming, overhead lifting or any sport involving the arm.

What are the stabilizing muscles?

The major muscles used for core stability are the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm.

What is scapular rhythm?

Terminology. Scapulohumeral rhythm: the coordinated motion of the scapula and humerus experienced during shoulder movement and motion that has been traditionally viewed as occurring at a ratio of 2:1 (2 degrees of humeral flexion/abduction to 1 degree of scapular upward rotation).

What are the movements of the Scapulothoracic joint?

The scapulothoracic joint allows for the complex scapular movements in relation to the thoracic cage: elevation and depression, protraction and retraction, and medial and lateral rotation.

Should scapula always be retracted?

The short answer is yes, you should always engage the scapular muscles when you hang. It doesn’t need to be a full retraction, but at least a good portion of the full range of motion.

Should I retract my scapula when shoulder pressing?

Healthy Movement: “The scapulae should retract and slightly inwardly rotate (depending on how wide the hands are placed apart) on the down phase of the push-up,” explains Price. Cueing Correctly: To avoid interfering with the natural movement of the shoulder blades, Kaselj keeps it simple.