Table of Contents
What is viente in Spanish?
As the days are getting colder here in Spain, viento is a word you will come across more often as it means wind. It also means ‘rope’ in relations to chords (cuerda) that are used to tie things down (on a tent for example).
What is the meaning of Veinte?
Cross Translation:
From | To |
• veinte | → twenty |
• veinte | → twenty |
• veinte | → twenty |
• veinte | → twenty |
What does Rede in Spanish mean?
Redeverb. to advise or counsel. Etymology: [See Read, v. t.] Redeverb. to interpret; to explain.
What number is viente in Spanish?
1 – 100 Spanish Numbers
1 uno | 2 dos | 5 cinco |
6 seis | 7 siete | 10 diez |
11 once | 12 doce | 15 quince |
16 dieciséis | 17 diecisiete | 20 veinte |
21 veintiuno | 22 veintidós | 25 veinticinco |
What number is viente?
Números y recuento
1 | uno, una | veintiuno/veintiuna |
17 | diecisiete | sesenta |
18 | dieciocho | setenta |
19 | diecinueve | ochenta |
20 | veinte | noventa |
What is Lelo in Spanish?
lelo, (insensatoestúpidoboboabsurdomemoimprudente) stupid, Adj. dumb, Adj. foolish, Adj. mindless, Adj.
What does a Lelo mean?
lelo {adjective} [coll.] lelo (also: tarambana) dopey {adj. } [coll.] ( stupid)
Does Veinte have an accent?
Notice: An accent mark must be added whenever a one-syllable number is added to the roots dieci- or veinti-. The four numbers on this list that have accent marks are: dieciséis, veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis. Notice: Numbers 0-30 are all only one word long.