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Is Grease appropriate for a 13 year old?

Is Grease appropriate for a 13 year old?

Why is Grease rated PG-13? The MPAA rated Grease PG-13 for sexual content including references, teen smoking and drinking, and language.

Is Grease appropriate for a 12 year old?

It does include some bad words but overall it’s wonderful. I recommend it to kids 11 and up.

What age is Grease appropriate for?

Overall comments and recommendations

Children under 13 Not recommended due to themes, substance use, sexual references and coarse language
Children 13 – 15 Parental guidance recommended due to adult themes

Is Grease a PG?

Today Grease remains at PG, with the BBFCinsight warning parents of ‘frequent mild sex references and mild language’.

Why is Dirty Dancing PG 13?

MPAA explanation: mature themes and sexuality.

How old should you be to watch Harry Potter?

Keep in mind that all kids are different, so assess your child’s ability to handle fright and peril before you see the movies or read the books. 7–9: A great age to begin (for younger kids, consider reading aloud together).

Why is Grease 2 rated PG?

The movie is full of sexual innuendo and objectification of women.

Is Grease 2 appropriate for kids?

This is a great movie. Do not show it to kids any younger than 9 years old though. Cons- lots of smoking, kissing, and sexual things.

Did Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze get on?

The pair are said to have got along fine during filming, but were never best friends. The director previously said there was some tension because Swayze was a trained dancer and would become easily frustrated while trying to teach Grey how to do the steps.

What age is pretty woman suitable for?

But in the end she does turn her life around. It does have a couple sex scenes, them in the bed and in the tub together. Obviously don’t show this to your 7 year old but i think it is appropriate for a mature 12 year old and older.

Can my 5 year old watch Harry Potter?

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is fine for young children. Once you get to book 4 The Goblet of Fire, four would be too young for it. With the films, I would say number 3 is a bit too scary for a 4 y/o.