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How many square meters is the whole world?

How many square meters is the whole world?

148,940,000,000,000.00000000000000000000 square meters
The Earth has a land area of 148,940,000,000,000.00000000000000000000 square meters. Only an estimated one-eighth of this area — or 18,618,000,000,000 square meters — is inhabitable by humans, with uninhabitable terrain such as deserts and high mountains covering the rest.

How many square does the earth have?

According to modern estimates, the surface area of the Earth is approximately 510 million square km (5.1 x 108 km2) or 196,900,000 square miles. Determining this was not only a matter of ascertaining Earth’s dimensions, but also its proper shape.

How much land in m2 is there on earth per person?

Since about 30 % of Earth’s surface is land, this means that the total area of land is 0.3 * 515 ≈ 155 million square km, about half of which is habitable for humans. With roughly 7 billion people alive today, we can conclude that there is 0.011 square km habitable land available per person.

How many square meter is Australia?

Land areas of States and Territories

STATE/TERRITORY % (square kilometres)
Tasmania 0.9 68 401
Australian Capital Territory < 1 2358
Jervis Bay Territory (ACT*) < 1 67
AUSTRALIA 7 688 287

How many meters is the world?

149597870700 meters nearly This is 10-sd (significant digits) approximation.

How much area is occupied by 90% of the world?

Ninety per cent of the world population occupies only thirty per cent of land area.

How do I become a BSA?

Body Surface Area (BSA)

  1. Calculate weight in kilograms: 210 pounds ÷ 2.2 = 95.45 kg.
  2. Calculate height in centimeters: 6 feet, 3 inches = 75 inches x 2.54 cm/inch = 190.5 cm.
  3. Multiply height by weight and divide by 3600. (190.5 cm x 95.45 kg) ÷ 3600 = 5.
  4. Take the square root of 5 = 2.24 m2