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What causes temperature variation?

What causes temperature variation?

The four natural factors which cause temperature fluctuation are latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, and ocean currents.

What are the factors that influence a planet’s temperature?

On global scales, three things can affect this energy flow and therefore, the average global surface temperature. As shown in the figure below, they are the planet’s distance from the Sun, the planet’s surface reflectivity (albedo), and the planet’s atmosphere (through a process called the greenhouse effect).

What causes temperature differences between daytime and nighttime?

As the Earth moves around the Sun it rotates on its axis, so we have day and night. The side of the Earth facing the Sun is bathed in light and heat (daytime). The side of the Earth facing away from the Sun, out towards space, is darker and colder (nighttime).

What is temperature variation?

In meteorology, diurnal temperature variation is the variation between a high air temperature and a low temperature that occurs during the same day.

What two factors cause planetary temperatures to vary?

The main causes of climate change are:

  • Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels – such as coal, oil and gas to generate electricity, run cars and other forms of transport, and power manufacturing and industry.
  • Deforestation – because living trees absorb and store carbon dioxide.

What is the relationship between the surface temperature of a planet and its distance from the sun?

The relationship between the surface temperature of a planet and its distance from the sun​ is that as the distance of the planet increases from sun, the planet tends to become cooler. Explanation: Less amount of Sun light reaches on the surface of a planet if it is farther from the Sun.

Why does the temperature vary so much between day and night in the hot desert?

The temperature in the desert can change drastically from day to night because the air is so dry that heat escapes rapidly at night. The daytime temperature averages 38°C while in some deserts it can get down to -4°C at night.

Why does the heat vary from morning to evening?

The Sun rays are almost vertical. But in the morning and evening, the angle of sun rays is oblique. Slanting rays fall in the morning and evening. As the vertical rays give more heat per unit area, the noon is hotter than morning and evening.

Why does the temperature change in atmosphere?

Rock, soil, and water on Earth absorb the Sun’s light and radiate it back into the atmosphere as heat. The temperature is also higher near the surface because of the greater density of gases. The higher gravity causes the temperature to rise. This mixing causes the temperature gradient to vary with time and place.

What causes the temperature to increase with height through the stratosphere and decrease?

The temperature increases in the stratosphere due to ozone layer capturing ultraviolet radiation. The temperature decreases in the mesosphere since there is no ozone and the amount of air is decreasing.