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How big do mollies get?

How big do mollies get?

Four to four and a half inches is the normal size range of a full-grown molly. This length is rather manageable, and allows them to be kept in reasonably small aquariums. Sailfin varieties can get even bigger. They will often reach lengths that are closer to five or six inches.

How big is a full grown molly?

The male fish grows up to 3 inches long (6–7.5 cm), and the female is about 4 inches large (10 cm) at the age of about 6 months. The beautiful fish fins get their maximum beauty and size only during the 2nd year of the fish life.

What is the maximum size of molly?

They remain a relatively small fish in the home aquarium, and males will grow to a maximum of 3 inches (7.5 cm), while the females can grow up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in length. Most mollies will live around three years in captivity, though some well cared for mollies can live for as long as five years.

Are mollies aggressive?

They are a peaceful bunch most of the time but can show signs of aggression when crowded or surrounded by aggressive tank mates. Therefore, it’s important that their tank is big enough, and that they have suitable tank mates (more on this later). Some people mistake Molly Fish breeding behaviors as signs of aggression.

How long can mollies hold sperm?

The gestation period of a molly fish is around 60 days. Female mollies can store sperm for months and may fertilize eggs as often as every 30 days, even when no male is present in the tank.

Why is my Molly chasing my other Molly?

A male Molly fish will chase a female Most often, you will find your male Molly chasing a female for the purpose of mating. This is perfectly normal behavior and typically doesn’t cause any harm to either fish. If your mollies are breeding, then you’ll see an uptick in this kind of aggressively chasing other fish.

How big do Gold Dust mollies get?

Growing to a maximum of nearly 5 inches, the Gold Panda Molly requires a tank of at least 25 gallons with algae and plenty of room to swim. The tall dorsal fin of the male will not develop if adequate room is not provided for him to swim.

Can I put my betta with mollies?

So when it comes to adding tank mates with your betta, mollies are a great choice. Some of the main things to remember when adding mollies and bettas together are: Mollies can grow up to 3 inches which is larger than bettas. Because of this, it’s not recommended to put them in tanks smaller than 20 gallons.

How big do female Mollies grow to?

Sailfin mollies are small fish. At one year of age, males typically range in size from 0.5 to 3 in (13 to 76 mm) SL, while mature females are likely to be 0.5 to 2.5 in (13 to 64 mm) inch SL . The size of adult males is directly correlated with population density.

How big do dalmation Mollies get?

File:Dalmation Molly.jpg. The Dalmation Molly (Poecilia latipinna) is a tropical community fish. They usually grow to about 3 inches in length.

How do I get Mollies to breed?

Part 3 of 3: Ensuring You Have the Right Setup to Breed Mollies Purchase an aquarium/tank. You’ll need a tank that holds around 15g – 30g water (56L-113L). Place any decorations in the aquarium. Choose such decorations as rocks, air filters and decorative gravel. Anchor freshwater plants below the substrate. Fill the tank with water near the top. Avoid aquarium salt. Install the filter according to the instructions.

How big can a male Betta get?

A male betta will grow to about 2½ to 3 inches in length from his mouth to the base of his tail while females may only grow to be 2 to 2¼ inches. Though their bodies are visibly larger and longer, males are thinner than female bettas.