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What is the medical term for the death of bone tissue due to insufficient blood supply?

What is the medical term for the death of bone tissue due to insufficient blood supply?

Avascular necrosis is a disease that results from the temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bone. It happens most commonly in the ends of a long bone. Avascular necrosis may be the result of injury, use of medicines, or alcohol. Symptoms may include joint pain and limited range of motion.

What is bone death?

Osteonecrosis, the medical term for bone death, is the deterioration of bones and usually affects joints. But who’s at risk of this disease and how is it treated? Osteonecrosis is a condition in which bones are weakened due to the loss of blood flow.

What does the word osteonecrosis mean?

A condition in which there is a loss of blood flow to bone tissue, which causes the bone to die. It is most common in the hips, knees, shoulders, and ankles.

What condition causes death of tissue due to loss of blood supply?

Gangrene is a serious medical condition in which lack of blood supply to body tissues causes the tissue to die. Although any body tissues can be affected, gangrene most commonly starts in the fingers, toes, hands and feet. Gangrene can be fatal if left untreated.

What term means the death of bone tissue?

Avascular necrosis is the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. Also called osteonecrosis, it can lead to tiny breaks in the bone and the bone’s eventual collapse.

Can avascular necrosis be cured?

While these nonsurgical treatments may slow down the avascular necrosis, most people with the condition eventually need surgery. Surgical options include: Bone grafts. Removing healthy bone from one part of the body and using it to replace the damaged bone.

Which term is the death of bone tissue?

What causes death of bone tissue?

osteonecrosis, also called necrosis of bone, death of bone tissue that may result from infection, as in osteomyelitis, or deprivation of blood supply, as in fracture, dislocation, Caisson disease (decompression sickness), or radiation sickness.

What causes tissue death?

Necrosis is caused by a lack of blood and oxygen to the tissue. It may be triggered by chemicals, cold, trauma, radiation or chronic conditions that impair blood flow.

Which term is caused by insufficient production of ADH?

Diabetes insipidus is a condition that results from insufficient production of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), a hormone that helps the kidneys and body conserve the correct amount of water.

What does it mean when bone dies from lack of blood?

Avascular Necrosis is death of bone tissue due to a temporary or permanent lack of proper blood supply. Avascular Necrosis and Osteonecrosis are often interchangeably used. Both terms mean bone death secondary to (i.e. because of) a circulatory disturbance.

What causes the death of bone and marrow?

Osteomyelitis, infection of bone tissue. The condition is most commonly caused by the infectious organism Staphylococcus aureus, which reaches the bone via the bloodstream or by extension from a local injury; inflammation follows with destruction of the cancellous (porous) bone and marrow, loss of blood supply, and bone death. Living….

What causes interrupted blood flow to the bones?

For about 25 percent of people with avascular necrosis, the cause of interrupted blood flow is unknown. Risk factors for developing avascular necrosis include: Trauma. Injuries, such as hip dislocation or fracture, can damage nearby blood vessels and reduce blood flow to bones.

What causes a decrease in blood supply to the body?

Reduced blood supply can be caused by: Joint or bone trauma. An injury, such as a dislocated joint, might damage nearby blood vessels. Cancer treatments involving radiation also can weaken bone and harm blood vessels. Fatty deposits in blood vessels.