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What was life like during Colonial America?

What was life like during Colonial America?

Most of the people living in Colonial America lived and worked on a farm. Although there would eventually be large plantations where the owners became wealthy growing cash crops, life for the average farmer was very hard work. They had to work hard all year long just to survive.

How different were women’s lives in the colonial period from our lives today?

The lives of women during colonial times were different than from today. Women were expected to get married, have children, work in the home, and obey their husbands. Despite the limitations put on women, they played an important role in the growth and survival of the American colonies.

Why did the American colonies specialize in different economic activities?

The different regions specialized in different crops. The colonies had developed large fleets of trading ships. Existing trade routes were well-maintained by Native Americans. Colonies were founded with specific trade agreements in place.

What was life like in the colonies before the Revolution?

The vast majority lived in rural farming villages on their own property–less than 10 percent lived in cities. Family farms dominated the north. Large plantations that grew cash crops like tobacco and rice dominated the mid-Atlantic and southern landscape.

What was daily life like in the American colonies?

Daily Life. For many colonists, daily life revolved around farm work. Without a supermarket to buy food, colonists had to rely on themselves to produce food, often through raising livestock and planting fruits and vegetables. The working day would often start with a stiff drink of cider or rum.

What was life like in the colonies?

Life in the 13 American Colonies Farming. Colonists in New England had a hard time farming. Even though the soil in New England was not very fertile,… Food. In colonial America, families took care of their own food. They cultivated crops in the field to feed their own… Religion. The colonists

What was life like for kids in colonial America?

Kids in Colonial America did not have an easy life. Most of their time was spent working. When they had a few moments to play they had to do so with found items since most parents couldn’t afford toys or have the time to make them. All kids in colonial times were educated whether they could afford school, went for apprenticeships or were taught at home.

What were families like in colonial America?

About Colonial Family Life The Facts. Colonial families often had several children and sometimes had aunts, uncles and grandparents living together. Features. Early Colonists had some customs that were practical while others were for religious reasons. Time Frame. Geography. Evolution.